SUU to Everywhere

Zane Hunzeker ('13)

Zane Hunzeker ('13)
SUU to Construction Technology

Originally published on July 13, 2018.

The Engineering Technology program at Southern Utah University caught Zane Hunzeker’s attention in high school. After earning an SUU scholarship for track and field, Zane was hooked.

One of the biggest struggles Zane had as a student was time management. Being a student athlete while also being involved with multiple clubs and internships was tough to balance.

“Late nights and hard work is the only way through all that, but it was definitely worth it,” said Zane.

Zane had great professors that helped him along the way. A couple he mentioned were Richard Cozzens, associate professor of engineering and Scott Hansen, department chair of engineering and technology, who always encouraged students to be creative and venture beyond the minimum requirements.

“Their positive input greatly increases the competency and confidence of the graduates of the program,” said Zane.

With the ever changing technology in design and construction it is impossible to be 100% prepared for what the future entails. However, the Engineering Technology  program at SUU provides core problem solving, engineering, and construction methods. The program helped Zane develop the skills that are now the basis of his career.

Zane currently works as the Virtual Design and Construction Manager for the San Diego Division of Swinerton, a commercial construction company that has helped build communities all over the United States and beyond. His job entails overseeing all implementation of Construction Technology.

Aside from changing the skylines of southern California, my favorite part of the job has to be taking our clients through their building in virtual reality before we even start digging the hole.” said Zane.

“At SUU, I learned that I was capable of dealing with far more than I ever imagined.”

Read more about SUU's Engineering Technology program.

Tags: Alumni