Scholarship Fair Instructions

Each portfolio should contain an essay following the prompt below:

"Knowledge is power.  Information is liberating.  Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family"

From this quote, Kofi Annan teaches that education is the premise of progress.  Write a brief essay about the premise or the foundation of your progress through education.  The essay should include a small paragraph about yourself (your life views and how you are unique), your financial need (your preparation and plan to pay for your education) and your career goal (how will this progress help you achieve your career goal and how does this career benefit society and family?).

Parameters are as follows:

    • 1 page
    • double spaced
    • size 12 font
    • 1 inch margins
    • 300 words maximum

Tips for Writing an Essay

  1. Carefully consider the topic and make sure you understand it—reread it if you aren't sure. Why is post-secondary education for you?
  2. Decide how you want to answer the question.
  3. Jot down your ideas on the topic: this might simply be a list of ideas, reasons, and examples that you will use to explain your point of view on the issue.
  4. Write down what you think others might say in opposition to your point of view and think about how you would refute their arguments.
  5. Think of how best to organize your ideas.
  6. At the beginning of your essay, make sure readers will see that you understand the issue.
  7. Explain your point of view in a clear and logical way.
  8. If possible, discuss the issue in a broader context or evaluate the implications or complications of the issue.
  9. Address what others might say to refute your point of view and present a counter-argument.
  10. Use specific examples.
  11. Vary the structure of your sentences, and use varied and precise word choices.
  12. Make logical relationships clear by using transitional words and phrases.
  13. Stay focused on the topic.
  14. End with a strong conclusion that summarizes or reinforces your position.
  15. Do a final check of the essay when it is finished.
  16. Correct any mistakes in grammar, usage, punctuation, and spelling.
  17. Ask for help when you need it and ask others to proof your essay.

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