CSCY Cohort Program

Download the Application

Cohort Application: Download

Program Objective

To ensure student success by forming groups of students who receive supervision, support, and advising by a CSIS faculty member. Cohort students will receive a laptop/tablet for their use while staying qualified for the Cohort Program (while supplies last).


  • Applicant must be a student in the Computer Science or Cybersecurity program at SUU.
  • Applicants must have passed CS 1410 or CYBR 1310, or transferred an equivalent course with a grade of C or better.
  • Applicants must submit their signed application form to the CSIS Department administrator no later than Monday the third week of Fall / Spring semester. (Late applications will be considered based on availability.)

Policies for Accepted Students

  • Students are expected to request a meeting with their faculty advisor at least once a semester.
  • Students are expected to discuss their plan, schedule, and current progress toward their degree.
  • Faculty advisor is responsible for reviewing the student’s current schedule/plan, offering advice,
    and other support as the advisor sees fit.

Laptop/Tablet Policy

  • Students are expected to maintain their laptop/tablet in good working condition.
  • Students are liable for the loss and/or physical damage to the laptop/tablet. In these instances,
    student account will be charged with the replacement and/or repair cost of the equipment.
  • Students are liable for misuse of the laptop/tablet, as outlined in the student handbook and the
    appropriate University policy.
  • Laptops cannot be sold, exchanged, or gifted. They must be presented to their faculty advisor during their semester meeting for inventory purposes. If the student no longer needs/wants the laptop, it should be returned to the department.
  • Students will keep the laptop/tablet assigned to them upon completion of their degree
    program in CS or IS as a gift from the department.

Cancellation Policy

  • Students who are eliminated from the program must return their laptop/tablet promptly.
    Otherwise, their student account will be debited with the value of a comparable replacement


If you have questions, please contact the CSIS Department Administrator