SUU to Everywhere

Lee Esplin ('94)

Lee Esplin ('94)
SUU to Elementary Stewardship

Originally published on July 13, 2016.

Between mopping floors and playing wall ball, Lee Esplin’s (‘94) lunch hour is booked, but that is what is expected of an elementary school principal.  

“I see my role as a jack of all trades, master of none,” Esplin said. “For me, it’s looking at what needs to be done and doing it.”

This attitude of hard work and humility is now paying off when this year he earned the 2014 Nevada Principal of the Year award from the Nevada Association of School Administrators along with being honored as a National Distinguished Principal by the National Association of Elementary School Principals.

“Being selected was a great honor because I work with phenomenal principals in the school district who do wonderful things,” Esplin said. “I don’t see myself as being any better than any of my colleagues, so it was very humbling to be recognized.”

With a foundational degree in education from Southern Utah University, Esplin has also taught second, third and fourth grade and served as an educational computing strategist within the Clark County School District.

“My favorite part about being in education is watching kids grow and learn and giving them opportunities,” Esplin said. “Kids come from all kinds of backgrounds and challenges, so I try to help them learn and grow and know that they can become anything they want to become if they set goals and work hard.”

Lee graduated with a degree in Education. Learn more about the program.

Tags: Alumni College of Education and Human Development