SUU to Everywhere

Todd Pearson (‘79)

Todd Pearson (‘79)
SUU to Published Author

Originally published on October 04, 2021.

Todd Pearson (‘79)
SUU to Published Author

Todd Pearson came to SUU for its small class size and proximity to his hometown of Richfield, Utah, and he left with a degree in psychology and an educational groundwork that set him up for life.

Todd credits SUU with being the springboard for his entire career. “SUU provided me with a great foundation to build my own work off of,” he says. “I was able to tweak what I learned there and apply it to my career and life.” And he had no way of knowing what an impressive career it would be.

After earning his degree, Todd went on to work as a therapist for more than 40 years and has worked with over 5000 clients worldwide.

“I liked counseling people and I liked being able to help them,” he says.

Todd personally pioneered a new form of psychotherapy he calls Life Coaching and Relationship Coaching. It’s a technique that he developed and mastered over the years, and, in January 2021, he published a book—titled Rising from Abuse—on the method.

“It’s like starting a whole new career,” he explains. “Writing the book was just writing about the things I’d already done, but promoting it and using it to teach others was more challenging.”

Todd has his own website for the book and is also planning speaking events to discuss it and teach the next generation of mental health professionals what his experiences have taught him.

Todd is a father of four children, one of whom is following in his father’s footsteps by attending SUU, and lives in Richfield with his wife Marian. He enjoys hiking and being outdoors, and is active in his church community. ,

Tags: Alumni Psychology