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SUU Health and Wellness Program

Don’t Cancel That Class (DCTC)

Called away on business? Attending a conference? Family obligations?

There's no need to cancel your class. The R.E.A.L. Peer Health Educators by way of the Don't Cancel That Class program can cover your class by presenting on a number of topics that are relevant to college students. Even if you don't need to cancel a class, you are always welcome to request any of these presentations for your classes throughout the year.

Presentations are typically 50 - 90 minutes in length, depending on the presentation and your class's schedule. For any other questions/ concerns, or if you would like us to present on a topic that is not listed below, please contact Nikki Gwin at gwinn@suu.edu.

Alcohol 101 & Jeopardy: This 50-minute program provides alcohol safety skills training in a non-threatening and entertaining format. The program is presented by a team of peer educators and has been extremely well received by students. The curriculum includes power point slides, and handouts. Students will learn information regarding Alcohol and to think when they choose to drink. Alcohol Jeopardy is a fun, interactive game where everyone wins prizes at the end of the game.

5 Steps to Risk Reduction: Students will learn how to lower their risk for any type of alcohol or drug problem by using the Five Steps to Risk Reduction. The information given in this presentation is based on research.

Question, Persuade, Refer - Suicide Prevention/Mental Health Training: Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college students. The good news is that most suicides can be prevented if concerned others learn to recognize the risk factors, develop comfort asking about suicidal thoughts, and know where to send someone for help. Participants in this presentation will leave with practical knowledge for helping others who might be at risk for suicide, basic knowledge about other mental health topics, and how to break the stigma on it all.

Your Problem, My Problem, & Healthy Relationships: Concepts of the bystander effect, identifying and reducing social barriers, how to identify healthy relationships, and intervening to assist others involved in dangerous or abusive situations. A variety of scenarios and role plays are included to facilitate student learning, interest, and interactive discussion.

"What A Night": A dialogue designed to help students learn about sexual assault in real-life situations. Going over everything from the before, during the night, and the morning after from both the male and female perspective.

SUU Stress Survival: The Stress Relief Survival program is to educate students about the basics of understanding stress and providing information about biofeedback, the negative/positive sides to stress, and some easy-to-use tools for managing stress.


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