Why Are Helicopter Pilots in Demand?
Posted: October 09, 2019 | Author: Jaidyn Crookston | Read Time: 4 minutes

Advancements in aviation and flight technology have made the aviation industry boom. In the last few years, there have been more helicopter pilot jobs available and more demand across different industries than ever before. Just two decades ago there were far fewer helicopters and pilots in the world than there are today. Now, the amount of helicopters and pilots has skyrocketed. With more helicopters than ever before, there is a greater need for fully trained, qualified helicopter pilots.
The helicopter industry is expected to grow exponentially, meaning that there will be more jobs available than ever before. Because of the expected shortage, now is the perfect time to become a helicopter pilot!
Current Helicopter Pilot Demand
Helicopter pilots are in high demand. Right now, there are an estimated 15,000 helicopter pilots in the U.S. with hundreds of current job openings. With so many job openings and more becoming available each day, it’s imperative that new helicopter pilots are trained and prepared to enter the workforce as soon as possible.
As the industry continues to grow and more jobs need to be filled, there will be an ever-increasing need for helicopter pilots. Because the aviation industry is so important to businesses around the world and to everyday life, there will always be a need for pilots.
Future Helicopter Pilot Demand
Demand for helicopter pilots is expected to grow even higher in coming years. A recent study by Boeing states that there will be an estimated shortage of 59,000 helicopter pilots worldwide through 2037. This means that for at least the next 18 years, good helicopter pilots are almost guaranteed a job in this growing industry. There are other factors to consider that may prevent a pilot from finding a job, but if you’re properly trained and qualified and are willing to relocate, finding a job should not be an issue.
Reason for Demand
There are many different reasons why the helicopter industry is facing such a large shortage. 1954 is when flying helicopters became a profession. This means that those pilots who first began flying and those who began in the decades afterward are now retired or about to retire.
Currently, there are more helicopter pilots retiring than there are training to fly. This is a big reason why the industry faces a shortage.
Another reason for the shortage is because the airplane (fixed wing) industry is also facing a pilot shortage. Recently, airlines have begun to pay helicopter pilots to retrain in fixed wing and work for the airlines.
The helicopter industry is booming and more jobs are becoming available. There are new uses for helicopters that didn't exist twenty years ago and there will continue to be new jobs in these fields. There are so many different industries and fields a helicopter pilot can go into. There’s almost no limit to what a pilot can do or where a pilot can work. Sadly, there are simply not enough pilots to fill all of these positions.
Other Considerations
Helicopter pilots are not the only pilots in demand. The fixed wing industry is also facing a severe pilot shortage in the coming years. Boeing has predicted that there will be a shortage of 731,000 commercial and business airplane pilots through 2037. This is a big number, but proportional to its size, the helicopter industry faces a worse shortage than the airplane industry.
Aviation technicians are also in high demand and there’s an expected shortage of 754,000 technicians through 2037. Having enough trained technicians is crucial to the aviation industry. Without technicians, airplanes and helicopters won’t be able to fly because there won’t be anyone to fix them and check for safety.
Good News for Pilots in the Future
Even though there’s a projected shortage of helicopter pilots, fixed wing pilots, and technicians, the aviation industry is not going anywhere. There have been massive campaigns to bring in and train new pilots. Many aviation training programs are full and expect to be full in the future.
Having a shortage in the industry shouldn't be a cause for alarm or a deterrent when choosing a career. In fact, because the industry is experiencing a shortage, you’ll most likely have a job for years to come. Job security is important when choosing a career, and in the helicopter industry, chances are good that your job will be secure.
If you feel the call to become a helicopter pilot, let us guide you through that journey. We know the certifications you need and the training pitfalls you need to avoid. With SUU Aviation you can fly on the largest collegiate helicopter fleet in the nation and graduate with training far above your competition. It’s the right time to become a helicopter pilot so don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity.
Request info today and we’ll give you the information you need to consider this amazing career. It’s a no-commitment way to get started on your journey. Take your first step to becoming a helicopter pilot today!
This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
Tags: Aviation