Tips for Communicating with Coworkers as an Intern

Posted: November 15, 2022 | Author: Clare-Estelle Perkins | Read Time: 2 minutes

Tips for communicating with coworkers as an internIt's easy to feel like an imposter when you are the intern in the office. Most things are completely new to you and you're not used to the environment. A great way to overcome this is to learn how to better communicate with your coworkers.

Communication Tips for Interns

Talk Face to Face

More often than not, it is easiest to bring up the important things face to face. Always using email and text leaves room for misinterpretation and confusion. If something is important, speak to whoever you need directly. It can also be more efficient with back and forth questions. Face to face communication is also a better way to develop trust and will allow you to develop workplace relationships faster.

Utilize Your Digital Messaging Options

Somewhat opposite of the first tip, we live and work in a time that provides us with varying forms of communication. Take advantage of the convenience of electronic communication. When something is time sensitive, and the person you need to address is not in the office, communicate digitally. That being said, find out and make a note of your supervisor's communication preferences. Does your supervisor prefer email, phone, instant message or in-person communication?

Ask Questions

Miscommunication frequently happens when people are too afraid to ask questions or are overly confident in themselves and their abilities. Don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as you need, especially because you are new. In a professional environment, it’s much better to ask questions in the beginning and do the task correctly than to assume you understand and have to redo things later on.

Check in Frequently

You'll likely have a direct mentor or supervisor in any internship No matter the situation, it’s important to check in frequently with your supervisors. Keeping them up to date on your projects will let them know how to help you as well as keep you on track. Checking in at least bi-weekly is a great way to make sure you’re getting regular feedback and to build a stronger relationship for potential future contact. I recommend talking to your mentor and setting up a regular time to meet and go over your tasks for the week.

As an intern, it is especially important to communicate. It is important to talk to your coworkers and higher-ups when working because you are new. Learning is easiest when you feel comfortable enough to always ask when you have questions and speak up when you notice a problem.

My name is Clare-Estelle Perkins, and I am an intern in the Marketing Communications office at Southern Utah University. Provided by SUU’s Career and Professional Development Center, the Professional Internship Program is a program that gives SUU students a one-semester paid internship and an online course on professionalism.

Tags: Career Center

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