How Do I Report an Issue?
If you are in immediate and imminent danger, dial 911.
If you prefer to place an anonymous report in confidence, you are encouraged to use this hotline, hosted by a third party hotline provider, EthicsPoint.
"University policy defines sexual assault as 'any sexual act directed against another person, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent.'"
Sexual assault includes such offenses as rape (non-consensual sexual penetration), sodomy, sexual assault with an object, fondling (non-consensual sexual touching), incest and statutory rape. These offenses are further defined in Policy 5.60, Section III.O.
Sexual misconduct is a broad term that encompasses a range of behaviors that includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.
If you are in imminent and immediate danger, dial 911.
Report sexual assault or sexual misconduct
Physical Acts of Violence: inflicting physical assault or injury to another person.
Threats of Physical Violence: Expressly or impliedly threatening bodily injury, death, or substantial property damage, and acting with intent to place another person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury, substantial property damage, or death; or making a threat, accompanied by a show of immediate force or violence, to do bodily injury to another.
Report Physical Violence to Campus Police
To make a police report about vandalism or stolen property, you must report the situation to a police officer. You may call Public Safety Dispatch at 435-586-1911 to meet with an officer. Your request to talk with an officer will create a call log, which will show the date, time and nature of your concern. Once you have talked with the officer, the officer will decide if a formal report is to be submitted. When a formal report is to be submitted, the officer will receive and can give you the case number for future reference. If there is not a formal report, you may still obtain the call log number.
Report a Property Crime or Theft to SUU Campus Police
SUU Police : 435-586-1911Faculty, staff, students and visitors may submit a request for operations and maintenance, lighting, grounds and custodial services regarding repairs, unsafe or hazardous conditions around campus. Examples of reportable issues include a plumbing problem, broken sidewalk, light out or building temperature that is too cold or too hot.
If you see a life-threatening or emergency situation, please call 9-1-1.
Report a Maintenance, Lighting or Grounds Issue
- Accessibility at SUU
- Facilities
- Safety & Risk Management
- On-Campus Housing Safety/Security Information
Note: If you live in on-campus housing and need to report a maintenance issue, please contact:
Student Housing Administrative Offices
Phone: 435-586-7966
Website: Housing Administrative Offices
Discrimination is partiality or bias in the treatment of a person or group that is unfair or illegal. One can be subject to unfair treatment that is not illegal under university policy or state or federal law. An example would be being treated unfairly because someone doesn’t like you or because of your political affiliations. Discrimination in violation of university policy is treating someone differently based on a protected class. A protected class is a group of people protected against discrimination by university policy or by state and federal law. At Southern Utah University, the protected classes are: color, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion, disability, veteran’s status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and genetic information. Complaints also may be filed for harassment, including sexual harassment, and retaliation.
Report Discrimination
Utah is a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA), and Southern Utah University (SUU) is an approved SARA institution, which means we adhere to established standards for offering post-secondary online/distance education programs in all member states.
Students who have complaints against the University relating to fraud, false advertising, or other deceptive practices should first file their complaints directly to SUU by submitting a report through EthicsPoint under the “Academic Affairs” option. If SUU does not resolve the complaint, students may file a complaint with the Utah Board of Higher Education at Note: The Board of Higher Education will only consider complaints that were previously unresolved by SUU and may refer a complaint to another agency for investigation.
Students who have complaints against the University relating to fraud, false advertising, or other deceptive practices can also file a complaint with the Utah Division of Consumer Protection:
160 East 300 East
2nd Floor
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Local Phone: (801) 530-6601
Toll-Free: 1-800-721-SAFE
In addition, students involved with distance and correspondence education can file a complaint with their state’s enforcement authority. Students in California: Complaints can be directed to the Department of Consumer Affairs through their online form.
Students who have complaints relating to the University’s quality of education or other issues appropriate for its accrediting body to consider can file a complaint with the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities at Copies of documents describing the University’s accreditation and state approval are available for review upon request.
Students who have complaints relating to issues that are covered by the Student Conduct Code should follow the University’s process for filing a complaint.Southern Utah University (SUU) establishes high expectations and community standards for its students through its policies and procedures. Students voluntarily assume the responsibility to meet these standards and expectations when they enroll at the University. The University educates students about these standards and expectations, and when those standards and expectations are not met, seeks to hold students accountable for their choices. Participation in the Southern Utah University’s community obligates each member to follow a code of civilized behavior. Read more about Student Conduct.
Report a Student Code Violation
The SUU Behavioral Assessment Team (BAT) was designed to support the University’s effort to prevent harm by identifying and mitigating future risks presented to our campus. Our efforts are designed to identify and address student, faculty, staff and visitor behaviors that are disruptive to the University's mission and goals.
This form is intended for use by employees that have been designated as Campus Security Authorities (CSA) under the Clery Act. This form is used to report crimes that may have been disclosed to CSAs in the course and scope of their employment. CSAs should complete the report form no later than 48 hours after having learned of the crime.