Dealing with Loneliness in College

Posted: September 26, 2023 | Author: Clare-Estelle Perkins | Read Time: 3 minutes

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Moving to college is exciting but also unfamiliar. In a new place, with a new routine and new people, it can feel lonely at times. Especially when you have moved away from the comfort of your family and friends and have to start fresh. Starting college is an opportunity to branch out, meet new people and make connections on your own.  But often, putting yourself out there is easier said than done! While solitude can feel safer, it can also be very lonely. Establishing a reliable network is important for students to thrive. Luckily, through student programming like clubs and events, there are countless opportunities at SUU for students to get out of their shells.

Coping with Loneliness 

Loneliness is natural and you are bound to miss your friends and family and everything that was familiar. Here are some tips for dealing with lonely days. 

  • Phone and video calls: Video calling or just phone chatting with your friends and family to talk about your day can help you adjust to your new environment.
  • Comforting media: Listen to your favorite album or watch one of your favorite movies to help your day feel more familiar.
  • Go outside: Taking yourself on a walk or just being quiet in nature can help calm any anxieties as well as make you feel more at home in your new surroundings.
  • Take yourself on a date: Treating yourself to a nice meal or buying flowers can help brighten any day.
  • Talk to a counselor: SUU has many resources available to help students cope with their new surroundings. Look into the free counseling with CAPS or the different support groups available.

Creating Long-Lasting Connections

Loneliness lasts only as long as you let it. There are so many opportunities for every student to find their place at SUU. It all depends on how you move forward to shape your network of friends. SUU has countless events, clubs, and departments dedicated to helping students build their networks.

  • SUU Clubs : A great way to meet people you will get along with is through your interests. SUU has so many clubs to explore.
  • SUU Events : The Student Programming Board plans school wide events throughout the year. Even if it doesn't sound exactly right for you, you won't want to miss these events. 
  • SUU Outdoors : An undeniably great way to bond is through the outdoors. Sign up for backpacking, camping, climbing and hiking trips with SUU outdoors to explore the world's best backyard and meet new people.
  • SUU volunteer opportunities : A really great way to meet new people is to serve together. Bonds made when helping others are strong, and with these service opportunities you can serve, learn, gain experiences and make a difference.
  • Talk to your deskmate: It is so easy to go to class and sit quietly before it starts. Instead, talk to your neighbor and start a network in each class. It both saves students and professors from awkward silence, and gives you a connection for missed lectures and homework.
  • Bring out your inner host: This one is perhaps more daunting, but  inviting people you meet over for some food or a card game is a quick way to create new relationships. Little get-to-know-you games are great for building friendships. 

Remember that every student is looking to make friends. The majority of students are just as eager to find their place as you are, so try not to worry about new interactions. When in doubt, don’t be afraid to utilize the campus resources. Loneliness doesn’t last forever and the experiences of making new friends are unforgettable.

Tags: CurStu Student Life CAPS Parents First Year Experience

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