SUU Day on the Hill 2024
Posted: February 02, 2024 | Author: Becki Bronson | Read Time: 2 minutes
The Rotunda of Utah's Capitol Hill was filled with electrifying Thunderbird red on Tuesday, January 30, for SUU Day on the Hill. Hundreds of Capitol visitors, legislators, guests, SUU students and alumni all gathered to celebrate the excellence and innovative accomplishments of our incredible university.

Custom cookies, SUU stickers, pins, pennants and swag were given to lucky attendees. Along with impressive data and detailed information on programs offered at SUU. Earlier that day, a small swag gift of sticky notes and a logoed water bottle were gifted to every legislator at Capitol Hill from SUU, along with a "Points of Pride" handout that highlights the fantastic work of SUU.
The crowning event at SUU Day on the Hill was a press conference for a historic agreement signing between the Larry H. Miller Utah Summer Games and Special Olympics Utah. The agreement is for a three-year partnership, starting in 2025, where the Summer Games will host the Special Olympics at the same time, all in Cedar City. The ShowUp Foundation was also a part of this agreement, where they will help provide volunteer support, community engagement, and partnership opportunities.
Several state media outlets joined SUU Day on the Hill for the signing, which featured Utah's First Lady Abby Cox, SUU President Mindy Benson, Summer Games Executive Director Jon Oglesby and Special Olympics Utah CEO Scott Weaver signing the agreement together and speaking at the event.
"It was amazing to see the strong and widespread support at the signing," said Kenten Pope, one of the lead event organizers for SUU Day on the Hill. "The fact that it drew three statewide news stations, Governor Cox, First Lady Abby Cox, and administrators from the Larry H. Miller corporation shows what a big deal this partnership is and will be for SUU. I also liked the cohesive look and feel that SUU presented at the Capitol. I think we rose to a new level."
Tags: Utah Summer Games Leavitt Center