What Can I Do with an Anthropology Degree?

Posted: May 17, 2024 | Author: Abbie Cochrane | Read Time: 2 minutes

An S.U.U. student presenting in front of an audience. There is an illustrated image of large sky-scrapers and people walking projected on the board beside the presenter. Around the room are lots of educational items such as a small human skeleton, diagrams of plants, and more.

Have you always wondered about what makes humans the way they are? Do you have an interest in research and history? Is the evolution of humanity as both a society and as individuals something that piques your curiosity? If so, an anthropology degree may be the path for you.

But first, what is anthropology? Simply put, anthropology is the study of human cultural and biological evolution across time and space. At SUU, students getting an anthropology degree are immersed in a four-point study approach, touching on primary and subdominant principles.

“[Students] master a broad range of research, critical reasoning and oral and written communication skills designed to prepare them for graduate and professional studies, as well as life and work in an increasingly multicultural world,” states the SUU Department of History, Sociology, and Anthropology. “Through courses dealing with human evolution, prehistoric culture change, human ecology and the cultural and biological diversity of contemporary humans, students learn to question ethnocentric beliefs and attitudes, and to understand the incredible biological and cultural diversity that characterizes the human species.”

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, here are some career paths that go well with an anthropology degree.


  • Medicine
  • Epidemiology
  • Public health
  • Ethnic and Cultural Studies
  • Community/ Area Studies
  • Linguistics
  • Education
  • Ecology
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Neural Science

Corporate and Business

Perspective is something that any corporation or company should take into consideration when embarking on various business endeavors, and that’s where anthropology comes in. When it comes to satisfying clients and boosting company statistics, having a resident anthropologist comes in handy. Here are some ideas of what corporate anthropologists can do.

  • Marketing or Advertising Specialist
  • Consultant
  • Statistical Analyst
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Urban or Regional Planner
  • Training and Development Manager
  • Fundraising Management
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Community Development
  • Product Design
  • Administration/ Management
  • Evaluation/ Assessment


In the same vein, having an employee who understands people and what makes them human could be a great asset to government figures during campaign season and election years, as well as what they can do during their term to help the people. Not to mention that government anthropology includes being a part of law enforcement. Here are some examples of government anthropology jobs.

  • Forensic and Physical Anthropologist
  • International Development
  • Cultural Resource Management
  • The Legislative Branch
  • Natural Resource Management
  • Professor at a University
  • Museum Curator
  • Defense and Security
  • Social Services
  • Archaeology
  • Historic Preservation
  • International Affairs
  • Mass Communication
  • Ethnography/ Cultural Anthropology
  • International/ Public Health
  • Environment/ Natural Resources
  • Tourism/ Heritage
  • Healthcare Management
  • Criminal Justice/ Law Enforcement

Non-Profit and Community-Based

Anthropology isn’t always about statistics and studying, but it is always about better understanding how to help people. Nonprofit organizations are a great place for humanitarian-hearted anthropologists to expand their horizon of impact for good. Here are some starters on ways anthropologists can help out their community and the world at large.

  • Outreach
  • Advocacy
  • Humanitarian Efforts
  • Community-based research organizations
  • Working for/ running city or community programs and organizations

Regardless of what path you decide to take, an anthropology degree from SUU is only the start of all the great things to come. Learn more about SUU’s Department of History, Sociology, and Anthropology.

Tags: Campus CurStu Anthropology HSS Academic Career and Personal Development

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