AP Credits

Credit for Advanced Placement Exams and Portfolios

Listed below are the exams for which the student may receive credit.

AP exam credit
AP exam AP exam score SUU Course Course Credit Elective Credit General Education Category
Art & Music
Art History 3, 4, or 5 ARTH 2710 & ARTH 2720 6 Humanities
Music Theory 3 or 4 MUSC 1100 3 n/a
5 MUSC 1110 3 n/a
Studio Art: 2-D Design 3, 4, or 5 ART 1120 3 n/a
Studio Art: 3-D Design 3, 4, or 5 ART 1130 3 n/a
Studio Art: Drawing 3, 4, or 5 ART 1010 3 Fine Arts
English & Literature
English Language & Composition 3, 4, or 5 ENGL 1010 3 Written Communication
English Literature & Composition 3, 4, or 5 ENGL 2200 3 Humanities
History & Social Science
Economics, Micro 3, 4, or 5 ECON 2010 3 Social & Behavioral Sciences
Economics, Macro 3, 4, or 5 ECON 2020 3   Social & Behavioral Sciences
Government & Politics, United States 3, 4, or 5 POLS 1100 3   American Institutions
Government & Politics, Comparative 3, 4, or 5 POLS 2200 3   Social & Behavioral Sciences
History, United States 3, 4, or 5 HIST 1700 3 American Institutions
History, European 3, 4, or 5 HIST 1110 3   Humanities
History, World: Modern 3, 4, or 5 HIST 1510 3 Social & Behavioral Sciences
Human Geography 3, 4, or 5 GEOG 1400 3 Social & Behavioral Sciences
Psychology 3, 4, or 5 PSY 1010 3   Social & Behavioral Sciences
Calculus AB 3 MATH 1050 &
MATH 1060
7 Quantitative Literacy
4 or 5 MATH 1210 4 2 Quantitative Literacy
Calculus BC 3 MATH 1210 4 2 Quantitative Literacy
4 or 5 MATH 1210 &
MATH 1220
8   Quantitative Literacy
Statistics 3, 4, or 5 MATH 1040 4   Quantitative Literacy
Biology 3 BIOL 1010 3 Life Sciences
4 or 5 BIOL 1610 3 1 Life Sciences
**Student must work with Student Success Advisor for CHEM placement; depends on major.
3 CHEM 1010 3 Physical Sciences
4 or 5 CHEM 1210 4 Physical Sciences
Computer Science A 3 or 4 CS 1400 3   n/a
5 CS 1400 &
CS 1410
6 n/a
Computer Science Principles 3, 4, or 5 CS 1030 3 n/a
Environmental Science 3, 4, or 5 ENVS 1000 3 Physical Sciences
Physics 1: Algebra-Based 3 PHYS 1010 &
PHYS 1015
4   Physical Sciences
4 or 5 PHYS 2010 &
PHYS 2015
5   Physical Sciences
Physics 2: Algebra-Based 3 PHYS 1010 &
PHYS 1015
4   Physical Sciences
4 or 5 PHYS 2020 &
PHYS 2025
5   n/a
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
**Student must work with Student Success Advisor for PHYS placement with a score of 4 or 5.
3 PHYS 1010 &
PHYS 1015
4   Physical Sciences
4 or 5 PHYS 2020 &
PHYS 2025
5   n/a
Physics C: Mechanics
**Student must work with Student Success Advisor for PHYS placement with a score of 4 or 5.
3 PHYS 1010 &
PHYS 1015
4   Physical Sciences
4 or 5 PHYS 2010 &
PHYS 2015
5   Physical Sciences
World Language
Chinese Language and Culture 3 CHIN 1010 &
CHIN 1020
8 Humanities
4 CHIN 1010,
CHIN 1020, & 
CHIN 2010
12 Humanities
5 CHIN 1010,
CHIN 1020,
CHIN 2010, & 
CHIN 2020
16 Humanities
French Language and Culture 3 FREN 1010 &
FREN 1020
8   Humanities
4 FREN 1010,
FREN 1020, &
FREN 2010
12 Humanities
5 FREN 1010,
FREN 1020,
FREN 2010, &
FREN 2020
16 Humanities
German Language and Culture 3 GERM 1010 &
GERM 1020
8   Humanities
4 GERM 1010,
GERM 1020, &
GERM 2010
12 Humanities
5 GERM 1010,
GERM 1020,
GERM 2010, &
GERM 2020
16 Humanities
Italian Language and Culture 3 Two language courses at the 1000 level 8   Humanities
4 Two language courses at the 1000 level and one language course at the 2000 level 12 Humanities
5 Two language courses at the 1000 level and two language courses at the 2000 level 16 Humanities
Japanese Language and Culture 3 Two language courses at the 1000 level 8   Humanities
4 Two language courses at the 1000 level and one language course at the 2000 level 12 Humanities
5 Two language courses at the 1000 level and two language courses at the 2000 level 16 Humanities
Spanish Language and Culture 3 SPAN 1010 &
SPAN 1020
8   Humanities
4 SPAN 1010,
SPAN 1020, &
SPAN 2010
12 Humanities
5 SPAN 1010,
SPAN 1020, 
SPAN 2010, &
SPAN 2020
16 Humanities

Spanish Literature

Upon advisement from a Student Success Advisor.

3 Two Spanish courses at the 1000 level† 8 Humanities
4 or 5 Two Spanish courses at the 1000 level and two Spanish courses at the 2000 level† 16 Humanities

Last updated on July 9, 2024