Department of Family Life & Human Development
Our Mission:
The Family Life and Human Development program focuses on strengthening families by integrating curriculum based on the healthy development of individuals and families throughout the lifespan. The program prepares early childhood and family service professionals to integrate family theory and research into evidence based practices through experiential education applicable to families and human relationships.
Our Vision:
Family Life and Human Development will be recognized as a premier family studies program for its innovations in teaching, professional prepared practitioners, and extraordinary attention to each student.

Our Program:
The Family Life and Human Development (FLHD) program is housed in the College of Education and Human Development of Southern Utah University. The program offers three degree options: an Associate of Applied Sciences in Early Childhood Development and a Bachelors of FLHD with two options for emphasis; Early Childhood Development and Family Services.
The Early Childhood degree options emphasize child development, child guidance, curriculum planning, and teaching young children. The Family Services degree has three main areas of emphasis: human development through the lifespan, family relationships and skills for intervening and helping individuals and families. All programs are modeled after reputable state and national programs.
All programs provide engaging program offerings and activities that prepare students both personally and professionally to deal with complex problems of society. Students receive hands-on experience through laboratory practicum experiences, internships and service/experiential learning opportunities and requirements across the curriculum.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for child care workers and social and human service workers continues to increase. Recent graduates of our programs work for Head Start, preschools, social service programs, youth in crisis programs across the state. Others continue their education enrolling in graduate programs to become family therapists, counselors, and small business owners of preschool and child care programs.