Chemical Emergency Procedures

HAZ-MAT (On-Site)


Fire alarm, telephone, or runner.


Follow instructor's direction.


  1. Follow instructions from emergency response personnel.
  2. Insure that no one leaves the building until directed to do so.
  3. If remaining in building, close all doors and windows and shut off all fresh air intakes.
  4. If evacuating, proceed and reassemble at nearest safe area and account for all students.

Note: When evacuating during a haz-mat incident, move cross wind, never directly with/or against the wind that may be carrying fumes.


  1. Evaluate the problem.
  2. Give information and instructions.
  3. If necessary call for emergency assistance (911).

Emergency Responders

  1. The emergency responders will assume responsibility for the situation.
  2. When conditions permit, emergency responders will notify university officials when it is safe to resume activities.

Parents/Guardians/Campus Visitors

  1. Monitor SMS, email, or web content for updated information.

HAZ-MAT (Off- Site)


Warning of a hazardous material incident is usually received from the Fire Department, Police Department, or Local Emergency Management Officials.


If evacuation is deemed necessary, it will take place according to pre-established evacuation procedure.
NOTE: When evacuating during a haz-mat incident, move cross-wind, never directly with or against the wind. The wind may be carrying fumes and contaminants.


Follow instructor's direction.


Follow the directions of administrators.


  1. Follow the direction of the authority in charge.
  2. In the event of shelter recommendation, make sure all outside air intakes are closed, air handlers which draw outside air are shut off, and all outdoor activities are curtailed.
  3. If evacuation is recommended, institute "Early Dismissal."
  4. After buildings are evacuated, make sure buildings are secure.

Parents/Guardians/Campus Visitors

  1. Monitor text messages, email, or web content for updated information.