Utility Failure Procedures
Follow instructor's direction.
If school is in session, conduct school unless administration directs otherwise.
(Facilities Management)
- Evaluate the problem (Obtain an estimated time of repair from utility authority).
- If school is in session and evacuation is necessary, initiate evacuation procedures.
- If it is not safe for the university to be in session, implement one of the following:
- Early dismissal
- University Cancellation
- Delayed Opening
- Alternate University Plan
- If evacuation has occurred, re-enter building when appropriate to do so.
- If dismissal or closure has occurred, notify faculty/staff and students.
Utility Emergency Numbers
University 24 hour Call Center: 865-8888
Enbridge Gas: 1-801-324-3900
Rocky Mountain Power: 1-888-221-7070
Cedar City Water Department: Maintenance Shed regular hrs: 586-2968
- Emergency: 235-4100
Street Department regular hrs: 586-2967
- Emergency: 233-0059/60
Parents/Guardians/Campus Visitors
- If school is in session, continue regular operations unless administration directs otherwise.
- Monitor text messages, email, or web content for updated information.