Utility Failure Procedures


Follow instructor's direction.


If school is in session, conduct school unless administration directs otherwise.


(Facilities Management)

  1. Evaluate the problem (Obtain an estimated time of repair from utility authority).
  2. If school is in session and evacuation is necessary, initiate evacuation procedures.
  3. If it is not safe for the university to be in session, implement one of the following:
    • Early dismissal
    • University Cancellation
    • Delayed Opening
    • Alternate University Plan
  4. If evacuation has occurred, re-enter building when appropriate to do so.
  5. If dismissal or closure has occurred, notify faculty/staff and students.

Utility Emergency Numbers

University 24 hour Call Center: 865-8888
Enbridge Gas: 1-801-324-3900
Rocky Mountain Power: 1-888-221-7070
Cedar City Water Department: Maintenance Shed regular hrs: 586-2968

  • Emergency: 235-4100

Street Department regular hrs: 586-2967

  • Emergency: 233-0059/60

Parents/Guardians/Campus Visitors

  1. If school is in session, continue regular operations unless administration directs otherwise.
  2. Monitor text messages, email, or web content for updated information.