Inclement Weather Emergency Procedures

Weather emergency concerns for the Cedar City area include high winds, heavy snow, and heavy rains.

Dress for the season

  • Wear loose, lightweight clothes in layers. Trapped air insulates
  • Remove layers to avoid perspiration and subsequent chill.
  • Outer garments should be tightly woven, water-repellent, and hooded.
  • Wear a hat - half your body heat loss can come from your head.
  • Wear gloves and avoid keeping both hands occupied by carrying loads or putting them in your pocket. Should you slip, having your hands and arms free can help you regain balance and should you fall, having your hands free to catch yourself can prevent significant injury.
  • Wear appropriate footwear. High heels, flat-bottom shoes (like Vans), and even tennis shoes are not designed to prevent slipping.
  • Try to stay dry.


  • Monitor weather forecasts for the area and plan accordingly.
  • Watch for alerts from Administration.


  • Monitor weather forecasts for the area and plan accordingly.
  • Follow the direction of Administration.


  • If the University is in session, monitor weather and road conditions.
  • Consider appropriate response action. (University cancellation, early dismissal, providing emergency shelter)
  • Notify University employees and students.
  • If emergency action is taken, broadcast information over appropriate channels (SMS, email, or web content).

Parents/Guardians/Campus Visitors

  • Monitor text messages, email, or web content for updated information.