New Experts Directory Highlights Campus’ Specialists

Published: November 26, 2013 | Read Time: 2 minutes

From terrestrial snails to accounting to even psychoanalytic systems, Southern Utah University touts within its faculty and staff a wide range of experts. And now these experts can be found through the new Experts Directory for use by students, community members and media representatives.

The Experts Directory, which began about ten years ago but has recently been revamped, was spearheaded by Provost Bradley Cook to create a campus and community resource for all to use to find and utilize the broad range of aficionados found within SUU’s personnel.

Cook stated, “We have faculty and staff that are being quoted by the New York Times and Huffington Post and speak at conferences from Florida to Australia but yet, they aren’t known by their peers across campus. The Experts Directory will solve that and show to all of campus, and the region, the hundreds of specialists to be found at SUU.”

The Directory, which allows one to search by expertise, department or name, has a three-fold purpose. It allows media representatives to find experts in any given topic to be interviewed and for community members to invite experts to speak in classrooms or at group events. The Directory also allows students to find experts that have complementary areas of study to help with them EDGE projects and individual research endeavors.

It was for these purposes that Cook requested the Experts Directory overhaul by SUU’s University Relations team.

“It says a lot about what the University can provide and is more than an economic generator and cultural magnet,” stated Cook. “The University is a place where ideas are fostered and it begins with our faculty and staff, also known as our resident campus experts. They have incredible talent and the public often doesn’t realize that these people are world class scholars.”

With a multitude of expertise spread throughout the 104 specialists currently contained within the Experts Directory, it is still growing. 

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