SUU Professor Dave Admire Launches New Book

Published: March 24, 2017 | Author: Cami Mathews | Read Time: 1 minutes

portrait of Dave AdmireDave Admire, a Cedar City resident, retired judge, and retired Southern Utah University professor of criminal justice, has launched his first novel Terror in Paris.

The book follows the story of three professors and twenty students who get caught up in a coordinated terrorist attack in Paris and their struggle for survival.

“Admire weaves in his amazing knowledge of the tactics, motives, and personalities of terrorists, along with humor, fear, and resolve of the American students and their criminal justice faculty members,” said Scott L Wyatt, President of Southern Utah University. “He will have you laughing one minute and gasping for air the next as he takes you through the streets of Paris in this terrifying fight for survival.”

Dave, along with SUU professors Dan Swanson, Kevan Jacobson, and Doug Bennett, will be joining him for a panel discussion on understanding terrorism. The panel will be open to the public and held in the Michael O. Leavitt Center for Politics and Public Service in the Student Center (ST 112) on SUU’s campus. The forum will be from 11:45 - 1:00 on March 30th. Free pizza will be provided and books will be available for purchase and signing.

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