Talent Ready Connections Grant Awarded to SUU’s Dr. Shalini Kesar

Published: January 02, 2025 | Author: Lawrence Mbaki | Read Time: 2 minutes

Headshot of Dr. Shalini KesarDr. Shalini Kesar, director of the Master of Science in Cybersecurity with Information Assurance program, and tenured professor in cybersecurity at Southern Utah University has been awarded a $480,996 grant to fund the Outreach Motivation Awareness Dedication (OutreachMAD) project. The primary goal of this project is to close the gap between access and the participation of high school girls in cybersecurity.

“Southern Utah University was awarded the OutreachMAD grant through the Talent Ready Connection Initiative, recognizing the university’s commitment to expanding educational access and opportunities for students in rural and underserved communities,” said Jimmy McDonough, Assistant Commissioner of Education Workforce Programs. “This achievement is a direct result of Dr. Shalini Kesar’s remarkable 16-year dedication to this cause. Her leadership and perseverance have laid the foundation for this success, and through this grant, rural high school students will gain valuable exposure to cybersecurity and technology education. We are excited to see the lasting impact this program will have, empowering these students with the skills and opportunities to succeed in high-demand fields.”

This three-year grant will support a unique model that includes collaboration with SUU students, educators, the K-16 community, and industry members to provide outreach activities that will foster inclusive opportunities in cybersecurity and empower young women and students in underserved areas. Kesar plans to achieve this goal through a combination of outreach at high schools located in rural and remote southern Utah, and by leveraging her success of 15 years of existing programs at SUU.

“Students will have access to hands-on activities, and opportunities to network with industry members as role models,” said Dr. Kesar. “This will allow them to build their confidence and enhance other necessary skill sets as well as prepare them for an education and/or career in cybersecurity and technology.”

This award aims to help create and develop programs that help students earn while they learn in-demand skills for high-wage careers. This grant will foster partnerships between education and industry to provide Utah students with work-based learning and apprenticeship opportunities while addressing the workforce needs of high-demand industries.

Dr. Kesar explained that the grant will fund work-based learning experience activities throughout the year, including a one-day conference, technology certificates, college scholarship opportunities, workshops, and webinars.

The Computer Science and Cybersecurity (CSCY) faculty at SUU are committed to providing high-quality graduate and undergraduate education to students through certificate, associate, baccalaureate, and master degree programs.

Produced by the SPARC Office. SUU's SPARC Office assists faculty, staff, and administrators seeking external funding for their projects and programs, from concept development and planning through implementation and management of funded projects.

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Brooke Heath