SUU Seal (for official use only)

POLICY #5.14 
SUBJECT: Charitable Giving


Southern Utah University supports charitable giving to the community by University employees through voluntary financial support for organizations by endorsing the Campaign for Our Community ("Campaign").




  1. Campaign for Our Community or Campaign: The single, annual, consolidated effort to secure donations from University employees through payroll deduction and other payment methods for distribution to qualified charitable organizations engaged in health, human service, environmental, education, research, or other charitable activities.
  2. Local Presence: The organization has a direct and substantial presence in the state of Utah and in Iron County.
  3. Member Organization: A qualified charitable organization engaged in health, human service, environmental, education, research or other charitable activities that is a member of a participating Umbrella Organization.
  4. Umbrella Organization: An Umbrella Organization or a federation whose application has been accepted by the Charitable Giving Policy Committee.


  1. The Campaign is a single, unified charitable giving Campaign made available to University employees through elective payroll deduction. The Campaign provides a convenient channel for University employees to contribute to the efforts of charitable organizations providing services in the community while minimizing disruption of the University workplace and the costs to the University that would be associated with multiple charitable fund drives. The guidelines set forth in this policy are intended to ensure that recipient organizations have been carefully selected and are fiscally responsible.
  2. Administration of the Charitable Giving Policy

    The Human Resource Director will serve as chair of the Charitable Giving Policy Committee (“Committee”), which shall consist of two (2) representatives from the Faculty Senate and two (2) from the SUU Staff Association appointed by their respective chairs. Each representative will serve until replaced by their respective chair. The Committee is responsible for implementing this Policy.
  3. Application for Participation in Campaign for Our Community
    1. An Umbrella Organization desiring to participate in the Campaign must submit an application form and the documentation and certifications required under Section IV.D. by the application deadline.
    2. The Campaign application deadline will be publicly announced at least four (4) months prior to the Campaign kick-off.
    3. The Policy Committee shall evaluate each Umbrella Organization’s application, based on the criteria set forth in Section IV.D. In order to participate in the Campaign, an Umbrella Organization must meet all criteria.
    4. If the Policy Committee denies the application, the applying Umbrella Organization may request reconsideration within 10 days by writing to the University President. The decision of the President is final.
  4. Eligibility Criteria
    1. Broad Base of Service. The Umbrella Organization must serve a minimum of 10 Member Organizations that meet the requirements of this section.
    2. Non-profit status. The Umbrella Organization must be a 501(c)(3) corporation in existence for at least five (5) years before application to participate in the Campaign. The organization must submit a copy of the IRS determination letter indicating that it is exempt. The Umbrella Organization must certify that all of its Member Organizations are 501(c)(3) corporations.
    3. Registration. The Umbrella Organization must be incorporated as a non-profit corporation in the state of Utah or registered as a foreign non-profit corporation doing business in the state of Utah. The Umbrella Organization must certify that all of its Member Organizations are incorporated or registered in the state of Utah.
    4. Local Presence. The Umbrella Organization must have a substantial Local Presence in the state of Utah and in Iron County with a history of providing programs and services in an effort to meet the needs of the community. The Umbrella Organization must have an active local volunteer board of directors with representatives from Iron County, serving without compensation through regular meetings and exercising satisfactory administrative controls. The Umbrella Organization must certify that all of its Member Organizations meet this requirement.
    5. Annual Reports. The Umbrella Organization must submit a copy of its IRS Form 990 and an independent certified audit of its revenues and expenses for the previous two (2) years. Upon request, the Umbrella Organization must provide the University with copies of these documents for any of its Member Organizations.
    6. Administrative Costs. The Umbrella Organization may not spend more than a reasonable percentage of its revenues on administrative expenses. The Umbrella Organization must have satisfied this requirement for the previous two (2) years. Information regarding the organization’s administrative expenses must be available to the public. The Umbrella Organization must certify that all of its Member Organizations meet this requirement.
    7. Nondiscrimination. The Umbrella Organization must have a policy prohibiting unlawful discrimination, as defined by state or federal law. The Umbrella Organization must certify that all of its Member Organizations meet this requirement.
  5. Miscellaneous Matters
    1. Non-designated pledges. Non-designated pledges will be divided proportionately among umbrella agencies, based on that year’s giving designations.
    2. Advertising. Literature regarding each Umbrella Organization will be included in the Campaign’s primary mailing. The University will not include individual agency literature in any of its mailings. The University reserves the right to approve literature to be included in Campaign mailings.
    3. If less than 5% of the employees choose to participate with any Umbrella Organization, the University shall not provide payroll deduction services and the qualified Umbrella Organization may directly bill the participating employees.




The responsible office for this Policy is the Vice President for Advancement and Enrollment Management. For questions about this Policy, contact University Advancement.


Date Approved: September 21, 2007

Amended: N/A