POLICY #13.9
SUBJECT: Deans' Council
- The Deans’ Council serves as the representative agency at the University level for specific policy matters relating to faculty concerns that are more restricted to departmental or College/School line-authority issues. For more general policy matters relating to faculty concerns which have University-wide ramifications, the Deans’ Council and the Faculty Senate constitute the two (2) academic bodies who recommend general academic policy to the University Provost.
- The Deans’ Council consists of the following voting members: Deans of the Colleges/Schools, the Executive Director of the Library, and non-voting members from the administration, as well as the SUUSA Academic Vice President. Non-voting ex-officio members of the Deans’ Council may be added to the Council at the invitation of the Provost’s Office.
- The Deans’ Council meets every two (2) weeks or more often as necessary during the academic year, and every month during the Summer term. Other meetings are called on an ad hoc basis as needed.
- The Deans’ Council receives recommendations, reviews, acts upon, and monitors the functions of the University Curriculum Committee.
- The Deans’ Council is directly responsible to the Provost, who functions as its chair.
The responsible office for this Policy is the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Date Approved: February 8, 1991
Amended: January 24, 2001; October 15, 2010; August 25, 2011; August 24, 2012