Sports Conditioning & Performance Course Information

Course Descriptions

Required Courses: (18 credits)

Course ID Title Description Credits
KIN 6000 Foundations of Sport Conditioning This online course will cover the basic principles of physical conditioning and will prepare students for future courses in exercise program design. Physiological mechanisms and adaptations to training will also be addressed. (Online-Fall) 3
KIN 6010 Advanced Techniques of Sport Conditioning Intensive course detailing techniques for conditioning athletes of various ages and training backgrounds. (Online and on campus lab-Summer) 3
KIN 6040 Designing Resistance Training Programs This online course will teach the student the process for designing an individualized resistance training program. It will cover the process of the needs analysis and enable the student to answer questions regarding program design within each step of this analysis. (Online-Spring) 3


Resistance Training Technique Intensive training course designed to assist coaches in developing the ability to teach proper resistance training technique including advanced teaching skills for exercise such as the squat, power clean, and deadlift. (Online and on campus lab-Summer) 3
KIN 6060 Evaluation in Sport Fitness Intensive training course covering sport specific fitness testing for components such as speed, power, strength, muscular endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance, and functional movement.   (Online and on campus lab-Summer) 3
KIN 6080 Introduction to Sport Science Research and Statistics Online graduate course covering research methodologies and statistical techniques in the sport sciences.  This course will assist coaches in reading and critiquing research and designing their own. Prerequisite:  9 hours completed in MSSCP program (Online-Fall/Spring) 3

Elective Courses: (12 credits)

Course ID Title Description Credits
KIN 6020 Special Topics and Issues Special topics and issues in sport conditioning and performance.  May be repeated once for credit. (Online-Fall) 3
KIN 6030 Athletic Training and Sports Medicine Online course designed to address recent advances in athletic training and sport medicine. Injury prevention techniques and strategies will be discussed.      
KIN 6070 Psychological Aspects of Sport Performance and Conditioning Online course addressing the latest advances in exercise and sport psychology including motivation, concentration, overcoming mental fatigue, and stress-management for athletes. (Online-Fall) 3
KIN 6090 Motor Skill Acquisition An online course examining the internal processes associated with practice or experience leading to relatively permanent changes in the capability for motor skill.
KIN 6100 Bioenergetics and Sport Nutrition This course will emphasize understanding how macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, and water are digested and absorbed for metabolism and/or anabolism and the role of diet in promoting optimal adaptation to training for recreational to elite athletes. (Online-Spring) 3

Thesis    (3 Credits)

Course ID Title Description Credits
KIN 6933 Thesis Student develops and defends a Master's of Sport Conditioning/Performance thesis (3 credit hours initial semester).  MSSCP candidates must be continuously enrolled in at least 1 credit hour of KIN 6933 until their Thesis is completed.  Prerequisites:  KIN 6080 and approval of Graduate Advisor) To be taken last semester.  (P/F)  (Online-Fall, Spring)  3
    *Students will be required to retake KIN 6933 (3 credits) if continuous enrollment (1 credit) is not maintained until completion of thesis.
**Continuous enrollment does not include May or Summer semesters


When courses are typically taught in the Master of Science in Sports Conditioning & Performance program each year. 

Fall Semester

KIN 6000 Foundations of Sport Conditioning 3 cr. Required
KIN 6020 Special Topics and Issues 3 cr. Elective
KIN 6070 Psychological Aspects of Sport Performance & Conditioning 3 cr. Elective
KIN 6080 Introduction to Sport Science Research and Statistics (Must successfully complete 12 credits before taking KIN 6080) 3 cr. Required
KIN 6933 Thesis   (to be taken last semester in program) 3 cr. Required

Spring Semester

KIN 6030 Athletic Training and Sports Medicine 3 cr. Elective
KIN 6040 Designing Resistance Training Programs 3 cr. Required
KIN 6080 Introduction to Sport Science Research and Statistics (Must successfully complete 12 credits before taking KIN 6080) 3 cr. Required
KIN 6100 Bioenergetics & Sport Nutrition 3 cr. Elective
KIN 6933 Thesis (to be taken last semester in program) 3 cr. Required

Summer Semester

KIN 6010 Advanced Techniques of Sport Conditioning -- on campus 3 cr. Required
KIN 6050 Resistance Training Technique -- on campus 3 cr. Required
KIN 6060 Evaluation in Sport Fitness -- on campus 3 cr. Required
KIN 6090 Motor Skill Acquisition (on-line) 3 cr. Elective

7 required courses = 21 hrs, 4 elective courses = 12 hrs, TOTAL 33 hours (Above schedule will be repeated each year)

Course Sequence/Pathway Options

Starting in Fall 2025, students can only enter the program to start in the Fall or Spring semesters, with no starting point for the summer semester. The MSSCP program will no longer be starting students in the Summer semester, but the Summer semester is still a requirement.

The following are potential course pathways for the Masters of Science in Sport Conditioning and Performance Degree. The pathways are scheduled for those seeking a time sensitive route to completion. Your prescribed pathway is based on the semester that you were admitted. For example if you were accepted for spring, look to the section for Starting in the Spring and register for the courses listed for each semester.

With that said, many of you will be pursuing this degree in a timeframe that is consistent with many of life’s competing time commitments (family, career, etc.). Hence, an alternate course pathway over a longer duration will need to be planned out in consultation with your advisor.

Fall Semester

  • KIN 6000 (Required)
  • KIN 6020 (Elective)
  • KIN 6070 (Elective)

Spring Semester

  • KIN 6050 (Required)
  • KIN 6030 (Elective)
  • KIN 6100 (Elective

Summer Semester

  • KIN 6010 (Required)
  • KIN 6050 (Required)
  • KIN 6060 (Required)
  • KIN 6090 (Elective)

Fall Semester

  • KIN 6080 (Required)

Spring Semester

  • KIN 6933 Thesis (Required)

Spring Semester

  • KIN 6040 (Required)
  • KIN 6030 (Elective)
  • KIN 6100 (Elective

Summer Semester

  • KIN 6010 (Required)
  • KIN 6050 (Required)
  • KIN 6060 (Required)
  • KIN 6090 (Elective)

Fall Semester

  • KIN 6000 (Required)
  • KIN 6080 (Required)
  • KIN 6020 (Elective)
  • KIN 6070 (Elective)

Spring Semester

  • KIN 6933 Thesis (Required)

Summer Semester

  • KIN 6010 (Required)
  • KIN 6050 (Required)
  • KIN 6060 (Required)
  • KIN 6090 (Elective)

Fall Semester

  • KIN 6000 (Required)
  • KIN 6020 (Elective)
  • KIN 6070 (Elective)

Spring Semester

  • KIN 6040 (Required)
  • KIN 6080 (Required)
  • KIN 6030 (Elective)
  • KIN 6100 (Elective)

Fall Semester

  • KIN 6933 Thesis (Required)

Program notes until Fall 2025:

  • KIN 6933 Thesis is to be taken the last semester in program
  • KIN 6080 must be taken prior to KIN 6933
  • Complete at least 9 credits in the program prior to enrolling in KIN 6080
  • Students are to complete the program within 6 years or apply for readmission
  • 7 required courses=21 credits, 4 elective courses=12 credits, Total 33 credits
  • Take all 7 required courses and 4 of the 5 listed electives
  • All courses must be completed with a "C" grade or better and any grade below a "C", including a "C-", will be recorded as an F and the course will need to be repeated
  • Students must earn a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 to graduate

Program Notes Beginning in Fall 2025 onward:

  • KIN 6080 is a prerequisite to all other courses in our program and needs to be taken the 1st semester in the program, Fall or Spring.
  • KIN 6933 for 1 credit will be concurrently taken as a second session 7 week block course during the first semester in the program concurrently with KIN 6080.
  • Students are to complete the program within 6 years or apply for readmission
  • 7 required courses=21 credits, 4 elective courses=12 credits, Total 33 credits
  • Take all 7 required courses and 4 of the 5 listed electives
  • All courses must be completed with a "C" grade or better and any grade below a "C", including a "C-", will be recorded as an F and the course will need to be repeated
  • Students must earn a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 to graduate