Undergraduate Research Fellowships Guidelines
Application Deadlines:
Round 1 October 1st
Round 2 February 1st
The Walter Maxwell Gibson endowment will fund fellowships to conduct research projects. (funding for student wages)
The L.S. and Aline W. Skaggs Research Endowment will provide funding for research materials. (consumables, sample testing, supplies, travel to collect data, etc.)
The awards are highly competitive and must meet the following conditions:
1) The research or project must make an original intellectual or creative contribution to a discipline within the Walter Maxwell Gibson College of Natural Sciences.
2) Every application requires a student researcher and a faculty mentor.
The student researchers must be a major within the college, and the faculty mentor must be from the college.
3) Projects using human or animal subjects must obtain appropriate IRB or IAUCUC approval prior to applying, with proof of approval submitted to patriciapalmer@suu.edu.
4) The receipt of funding requires presenting the research at one on-campus event and one off-campus:
5) A research report must be completed by the student researcher within one month of the completion of the project.
6) Project funding is limited to two semesters.