SUU Seal (for official use only)

SUBJECT: Organization of the University


The purpose of this Policy is to outline the organization of the University as mandated by the Utah State Legislature.






  1. State Board of Higher Education: The Utah Legislature has authority under the Utah Constitution to structure the Utah System of Higher Education. The Legislature has vested responsibility for the Utah System of Higher Education in the State Board of Higher Education, whose members are appointed by the Governor. The Board appoints a Commissioner, who serves as executive secretary to the board, and the presidents, who are the chief executive officers on the respective campuses. The Board, the Commissioner, and the presidents develop system-wide policy, with actual implementation at the campus level taking place through broadly based institutional policies and procedures.
  2. Board of Trustees: In 1990, the Utah Legislature created Boards of Trustees to serve each of the campuses. Appointed by the Governor, except for those who serve ex officio, the Board of Trustees has specific statutory responsibilities and has been delegated specific administrative responsibilities by the Board of Higher Education. The Board of Trustees also advises the institution’s President and approves or disapproves initiatives brought to it by the President.
  3. Officers of Administration: The Board of Higher Education, after consulting with the Board of Trustees, appoints the President who serves at the pleasure of the Board of Higher Education and with compensation fixed by the Board. The President is the chief executive officer of the Board of Trustees for the institution. The Board of Higher Education has delegated administrative responsibilities for institutional operations to the President. Except as provided by the Board, the President, with the approval of the Board of Trustees:
    1. Appoints a secretary, a treasurer, administrative officers, deans, faculty members, and other professional and support personnel, and prescribes their duties and determines their salaries, except that the Trustees establish salaries for administrative staff.
    2. May provide for the constitution, government, and organization of the faculty and administration, and enact implementing rules, which include the establishment of a prescribed system of tenure;
    3. May authorize the faculty to determine the general initiation and direction of instruction and of the examination, admission, and classification of students;
    4. May enact rules for administration and operation of the institution which are not inconsistent with the prescribed role established by the board, rules enacted by the board, or the laws of the state; and
    5. May exercise grants of power and authority as delegated by the Board of Trustees, as well as the necessary and proper exercise of powers and authority not specifically denied to the institution, its administration, faculty, or students by the Board of Trustees or by law, to assure the effective and efficient administration and operation of the institution consistent with the statewide master plan for higher education.
  4. Organizational charts: The organizational charts which follow are current representations of the structure of the University. In August of each year, the charts are revised as necessary.


The responsible office for this Policy is the Office of the President.


Date Approved: June 1, 1990

Amended: November 9, 2006; March 19, 2021