SUU Seal (for official use only)

POLICY #5.42 
SUBJECT: Southern Utah Museum of Art


The purpose of this Policy is to establish policies for the Southern Utah Museum of Art (hereinafter called Museum) regarding its mission, organizational structure, funding, authorization to manage Southern Utah University’s (hereinafter called University) art collections, and to define a Museum Advisory Board.


  1. American Alliance of Museums Code of Ethics for Museums




  1. Mission
    1. As an educational and cultural resource, the Southern Utah Museum of Art strives to foster engagement and experiential learning for students of Southern Utah University, as well as communities across the region through its permanent collections, diverse exhibitions, and participatory experiences.
  2. Reporting Structure
    1. The Museum is a component unit of Southern Utah University, which is a body politic and corporate with perpetual succession and with all rights, immunities, and franchises of the State of Utah. The Museum Director reports to the University’s Vice President of Finance and Administration (Vice President), who reports to the University President. The Vice President, in consultation with the Museum Director, shall also form working committees to address administrative needs, such as collections management, educational outreach, exhibitions and finances as required for efficient operation and fiscal sustainability of the Museum. All Museum employees, including staff and student workers, report to and are evaluated by the Museum Director. Any individual involved in the use of the Museum in a faculty, staff, student or volunteer position are expected to adhere to University policies, procedures and administrative directives. SUMA staff, board members, and volunteers subscribe to the Code of Ethics of the American Alliance of Museums.
    2. The SUMA Steering Committee will serve as a sounding board and provide guidance for the Museum Director. Members of the Steering Committee will be the Museum Director, the Vice President of Finance and Administration, the Dean of the College of Performing and Visual Arts (CPVA), the Chair of the Art and Design Department, the Director of the Arts Administration Program, the Executive Director of Development and Government Relations, and the Chair of the Advisory Board.
  3. Funding
    1. The Museum’s budget is managed by Southern Utah University. Exhibitions and select staff positions, as needed, are funded through donations, grants and sponsorships. The University recognizes the educational and outreach value of its collections and of the exhibitions and programs presented to the University and the public. In recognition of this invaluable learning resource, the University expresses its commitment to the continuation of its museum and agrees that the Museum shall be considered an integral and permanent part of the University. The University agrees to make available the resources necessary for the Museum’s operation to the extent permitted by the University’s financial resources. The University agrees to protect the Museum’s tangible and intangible assets held in public trust including appropriate Risk Management coverage.
  4. Collections Management
    1. The University is the owner and insurer of the art collections held and managed by the Museum. It is also the owner and insurer of objects in the collection which are distributed around campus.
    2. The Museum is authorized to prudently manage the University’s art collections respecting the American Alliance of Museum’s Code of Ethics for Trustees, Staff, and Volunteers and in compliance with Utah State Board of Higher Education and University policies, and other Utah statutes governing the management of state property and assets. Including but not limited to: acceptance of art donations, or acquisitions (accessions); inventory management; exhibitions; loan agreements; preservation and retirement of art (deaccessions) to improve and focus the collection.
    3. The University recognizes that the Museum’s collections are essential to the Museum and the University’s mission and will not consider the art collections as disposable assets.
  5. SUMA Advisory Board
    1. Purpose
      1. The Advisory Board shall be known as the “Southern Utah Museum of Art Advisory Board.”
      2. The Board is an advisory body committed to the mission, vision and stability of the Museum through advocacy, strategic and long-range planning, fundraising, education, and marketing. Board members shall be comprised of regional connectors and collectors appointed in consideration of their meaningful insight, interest or expertise related to the purpose of the Museum. The Board assists and provides counsel to the Museum Director on issues of quality, educational integrity and fundraising to ensure the financial strength of the Museum.
    2. Board Membership
      1. Members of the Board shall receive their appointments through the Vice President for Finance and Administration in consultation with the Steering Committee.
      2. The number of members of the Advisory Board shall be at least seven (7) and no more than 13. In addition, the Vice President of Finance and Administration, Dean of the College of Performing and Visual Arts and Director of the Museum shall serve as permanent ex-officio members of the Board.
      3. The entire voting power of the Board shall be vested in its membership, each of whom shall be entitled to one vote in electing officers and in the transaction of other business of the Board.
      4. The term of a member of the Board shall be three (3) years. A member may be reappointed to one (1) additional term and must be off the Board for at least one (1) complete term before being eligible for appointment to additional terms.
      5. If for any reason a member can no longer serve, the seat is considered vacant. A seat vacated during a term shall be filled by appointment from the Vice President in consultation with the Steering Committee at the next Board meeting. A partial term filling a vacancy shall not be counted in limiting consecutive Board membership to two (2) terms.
    3. Nominations
      1. Nominations for available Board seats shall be generated by the SUMA Steering Committee and submitted to the Vice President of Finance and Administration for consideration. Formal invitations to serve on the Board shall be issued by the Vice President.
    4. Officers
      1. A Chair, a Past Chair, a Vice Chair, and a Secretary shall be the officers of the Board. Officers shall be appointed by the Director and the Vice President of Finance and Administration.
      2. Officers will serve until the expiration of their board term. They can be re-appointed to consecutive or non-consecutive terms.
      3. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board.
      4. The Vice Chair shall shadow the Chair and assist as needed in preparation for becoming the chair.
      5. The Past Chair shall mentor the Chair and provide continuity to ensure a smooth transition during change in leadership.
      6. The Secretary shall ensure that complete records of all meetings of the Steering Committee and the Board are maintained; notices of all meetings sent to members at least five (5) business days prior to each meeting, and posted as may be required by state law; ordinary correspondence of the Board is attended to; archives of the Board maintained, including complete records of the terms of members of the Board.
      7. An office vacated during a term shall be appointed by the Museum Director and the Vice President for Finance and Administration.




The responsible office for this Policy is the Vice President for Finance. For questions about this Policy, contact the Director of the Southern Utah Museum of Art (SUMA).


Date Approved: February 19, 2009

Amended: August 21, 2015; March 23, 2018