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POLICY #9.13
SUBJECT: Wellness Time


The purpose of this Policy is to support a healthy lifestyle for Eligible Employees through various University-approved wellness initiatives and/or activities.


  1. Fair Labor Standards Act
  2. Southern Utah University Policy 8.2.1 Education Benefits
  3. Southern Utah University Policy 8.2.4 Health and Medical Insurance
  4. Southern Utah University Policy 8.3.6 Working Hours and Breaks
  5. Southern Utah University Policy 9.2 Annual Leave
  6. Southern Utah University Policy 9.10 Sick Leave


  1. Eligible Employee: All benefit eligible employees, equivalent to .75 FTE or greater.
    1. Full-time employees on a nine (9) month "contract" (or more) with academic rank and in  teaching position (faculty).
    2. Three-quarter - full-time employees on a twelve (12) month "contract" (non-faculty).
    3. Full-time employees on a nine (9) month "contract" (or more) (non-faculty).
  2. Non-Exempt Employee: An individual who is eligible for overtime compensation under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
  3. Wellness Time: A variety of University-approved methods utilized to enhance the health and well-being of employees. Wellness Time is a restructured form of the allotted 15-minute break time eligible employees receive for every four (4) hours worked as outlined in Policy 8.3.6, or permitted time allowed through departments for faculty members.
  4. Wellness Time Activities: Physical activities that are structured by the Human Resources Employee team, or structured participation in SUU Physical Fitness Facilities.


  1. Usage
    1. Eligible Employees may be allotted up to 30 minutes three (3) times per week for a total of 1.5 hours of Wellness Time for participation in university-sponsored personal fitness, physical education/activity, and/or wellness classes or programs.
      1. Wellness Time is counted from the time the Eligible Employee stops work duties until the time they are resumed.
    2. Eligible Employees must receive approval from their supervisor to utilize up to 1.5 hours of Wellness Time per week.
      1. Eligible Employees participating in Wellness Time must communicate to their supervisor their intent to participate in an activity scheduled through an Employee Wellness Physical activity or an SUU Physical Fitness Facility.
      2. Any changes to an agreed-upon schedule must be approved by the Eligible Employee's supervisor before the continued use of Wellness Time.
      3. Eligible Employees must be participating in the SUU Employee Wellness Program or at an SUU Physical Fitness facility and be following the Policy in order to remain eligible for Wellness Time release.
    3. Wellness Time may be taken in conjunction with lunch breaks to participate in Wellness Time activities longer than 30 minutes, with approval of the Eligible Employee's supervisor, if it does not negatively impact departmental productivity.
    4. Wellness Time may only be utilized for Wellness Time Activities and conjoined with other breaks if applied towards Wellness Time Activities.
    5. Wellness Time may be used towards physical activity courses using education benefits as per SUU Policy 8.2.1. Work time must be made up to the extent that it exceeds released time through the education benefit plus breaks intended to be used for Wellness Time during a workweek.
    6. Eligible Employees who do not use Wellness Time in a given day are still eligible for a 15-minute break for every four (4) hours worked as per SUU Policy 8.3.6, which cannot be combined with other breaks.
    7. Each department with Eligible Employees is responsible for establishing procedures to gain approval for Wellness Time.
  2. Location
    1. Wellness Time Activities must take place at the Eligible Employee's designated worksite, unless otherwise approved in advance by the Eligible Employee's supervisor, Human Resources, and the employee's divisional Vice President or Cabinet-level administrator.
    2. Eligible Employees must sign in through established procedures if utilizing University facilities during Wellness Time.
  3. Restrictions
    1. The Eligible Employee's department or office must remain open during regular operating hours. It is the responsibility of the supervisor to arrange employees' schedules to ensure continuous coverage while also allowing them to utilize Wellness Time.
      1. Supervisors have the right to withdraw or restrict the Wellness Time benefit only if it is abused by the Eligible Employee.
      2. The employee must be permitted to participate in the same activity or an equivalent activity at another time within one (1) year of the denial date. Employees may report patterns of repeated denials when supervisors do not provide justification for denials or make alternate arrangements. Employees will report such cases to Human Resources.
    2. Wellness Time may not be used for professional mental health sessions or therapy related to serious injury or illness. Such time must be taken as sick leave or annual leave in accordance with SUU Policies 9.10 and 9.2 respectively.
    3. Wellness Time may not be accumulated or accrued toward future use if it goes unused within the Eligible Employee's workweek.
      1. Wellness Time missed due to emergencies, illness, or vacation must be used within the originally scheduled workweek.
    4. For ineligible employees, wellness content in the Employee Wellness Program may be provided outside of working hours or during breaks outlined in SUU Policy 8.3.6. Breaks, as outlined in Policy 8.3.6, will be counted as hours worked for the purpose of computing overtime and/or compensatory time.



The responsible office for this Policy is the Vice President for Finance. For questions about this Policy, contact the Office of Human Resources.


Date Approved: June 9, 2023

Amended: N/A