POLICY #13.16
SUBJECT: Publications Council Bylaws
- Organization and General Procedures
- The Publications Council shall consist of:
- A student chairman who shall be elected by secret ballot of the council from among its student members. The chairman must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the SUUSA Senate. The term of office is for one (1) year and commences May 1.
- Three (3) additional students selected via the interview process and majority vote of the chairman and the executive secretary of the council and the SUUSA President. The members shall serve two (2) years. The term of office commences May 15. No student (including the chairman) shall serve concurrently as a member of the SUUSA Executive Council, Cabinet, Judicial Council or Senate, or of a staff of any publication governed by this council.
- Three (3) faculty or staff members to be appointed by the president of SUU for two-year terms, beginning May 15. They are eligible for reappointment.
- A recording secretary (non-voting) whose duties shall be the taking and dissemination of minutes and to assist the chairman and the executive secretary in the performance of administrative duties relating to this council.
- A special financial adviser, appointed by the chairman and executive secretary, who will take part as a resource person in the annual budget meeting(s) if deemed necessary by the appointers.
- An executive secretary (non-voting). The adviser to The Thunderbird, a faculty position appointed by the President of SUU, shall serve in this capacity.
- Any advisers for any publications governed by this council shall serve as non-voting members of the council, taking part in any meetings conducting business relating to those publications.
- Announcements of vacancies on the publications council shall be published in The Thunderbird for two (2) consecutive issues and interested students will make applications by specified deadlines.
- The council shall meet at least once a quarter at the call of the chairman. Other meetings may be called to consider business within the council's responsibility by the chairman, the executive secretary, or by any three (3) members of the council.
- A quorum shall consist of four (4) voting members.
- All decisions shall be made by majority vote of those present at a duly-called meeting at which a quorum has been convened, except those decisions specified in Section IV.B.3.
- A bylaw or routine method of procedure having been established, the council shall function under it; such rules or procedures may be changed by a majority vote of a quorum at a duly-called meeting after a change has been proposed at a previous meeting.
- The Publications Council shall consist of:
- Responsibilities: The council has the responsibility to:
- Establish a general policy for each student publication. A student publication shall be defined as any material other than informational in the strictest sense of the word (calendars, handbooks, etc., would be exempt).
- Select the editor and business manager for publications. This shall be accomplished after calling for applications as and shall be determined by secret ballot after interviews have been conducted. Appointment requires a simple majority. The editor and business manager of The Thunderbird shall be appointed no later than the final day of classes of winter quarter and shall assume duties at the close of winter quarter. Editors and business managers of other student publications shall be appointed as needed so that they have ample time to produce their publications.
- Removal from office: An editor or business manager may be removed from office by the official concurrence of five (5) or more voting members of the Publications Council, after an open hearing in which the editor or business manager shall have the opportunity to present their case, calling whatever witnesses they desire. Violation of the guidelines contained herein are grounds for dismissal.
- Approve the annual budget in the Spring.
- Once items have been approved at this yearly meeting, expenditures for such items may be made upon the signatures of the executive secretary (or the adviser to the requesting publication) and the Dean of Students or the Vice President for University Affairs. Items not included in the annual budget must be approved by the Council before the initiation of a requisition.
- Inherent in the annual budget is acceptance of the duly-bid printing contract for The Thunderbird. The literary magazine or any other publications shall have their printing agreements approved by the Council as necessary.
- Hear and address complaints and criticism directed at publications when the editor and the adviser are unable to ameliorate.
- Seek advice from the advisers of publications on editorial policy.
- Editorial Policy
- The Council is unalterably opposed to prior censorship as prohibited by decree of the Supreme Court of the United States. The First Amendment rights are shared by both the editor and the Publications Council as publisher.
- The Council will administer the programs but will not become involved in the day-to-day operations and will not assume active management of the editorial staffs of the various publications. Those students entrusted with the editorship or business management of student publications are expected to work in close harmony with their advisers and within the editorial and advertising guidelines established herein.
- Specifically, the publications shall adhere to the following editorial guidelines:
- The Thunderbird shall be conducted primarily as an organ of student news and opinion. All publications shall be conducted in the interest of the student community.
- The individual publications shall reflect responsibility to all members of the university community.
- Student editors shall seek press accuracy and fairness at all times. Responsibility to the public interest is vital.
- Publications shall not be used to advance the selfish interest of any group or clique of students, faculty, administrators, or group of people off-campus.
- Any criticism of groups or individuals shall be on a responsible basis.
- Publications shall not publish any material which is malicious, libelous, involves character assassination, is obviously untrue, or discriminates.
- Publications shall not take editorial stands which impugn any individual or groups because of race, religion, color, or national origin.
- Advertising Policy
- The Thunderbird shall not contain more than 55 percent advertising in the cumulative issues of any quarter.
- Political advertising (campus, local, state or national) may be accepted and shall be paid for in full before publication.
- The Council specifies that all student publications reserve the right to refuse any advertising by consent of the business manager and the adviser. If a consensus cannot be reached regarding the refusal of an ad, then the council shall be consulted. If necessary, the advertisement in question may be withheld from publication by either the business manager or adviser until the council can be convened to make the final decision.