ETSIron County Scholarship Fair

Each portfolio should contain two letters of recommendation. Only one of the letters of recommendation can be from someone at your school (teachers, counselors, coaches, etc.).

Tips for Requesting Letters of Recommendation

  1. State when the letter is needed and what it is for.
  2. The letter of recommendation should be on business or company letterhead.
  3. List 5-10 accomplishments that you would want to see in a letter of recommendation. Since these letters are for scholarships you should consider academic accomplishments.
  4. Or you can use the attached form to request your letter: Letter of Recommendation Personal Data Form

One of the goals for preparing the portfolio is to leave high school with tools that will help secure scholarships, admissions and employment for the future. You should ask the person writing the letter to add a general statement at the end such as, "I am happy to recommend this student for any award, recognition or position that they are applying for." This will allow you to use the letter for other purposes.

A Good Idea!
Check your letter for spelling and grammatical errors. If you find a spelling error be brave, don't be afraid to take it back and ask for a corrected letter.