Frequently Asked Questions

Surplus garage is located next to Cedar Hall North.

Address: 225 South 700 West.

This just depends on when the Surplus Coordinator is in, and what their schedule looks like. To set up an appointment to come and take a look through the garage, feel free to send an email to, or call 435-865-8683.

All items that were purchased with University funds MUST be sent to Surplus, if they have any potential value, as per University policy and state of Utah statute. Employees failing to properly dispose of any University property will incur severe consequences.

Due to the restructuring of the program, the surplus office must be completely self funded. This means that all costs associated with running the program must be first taken from the proceeds earned through the sales. All balances will then be proportionately distributed back to the departments.

All items are researched online to find their current value. Then according to research, a price is made that is fair to both the buyer and seller. In certain cases other departments or manufacturers may be contacted to provide a greater knowledge about the item and it's value.