First Aid Kit Program

1.0 Introduction:

Southern Utah University (SUU) is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for its students, staff, and visitors. In case of emergencies or minor injuries, a first aid kit can be a valuable resource. This program outlines the guidelines for the distribution, maintenance, and tracking of first aid kits on campus. 

2.0 Purpose:

The purpose of this program is to ensure that a basic first aid kit is readily available in applicable university buildings, outdoor spaces, and campus owned vehicles in case of emergency. The first aid kits will be stocked with essential items to provide initial treatment for common injuries and illnesses.

2.1 Description of ANSI/ISEA 

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA) – Minimum Requirements for Workplace First Aid Kits and Supplies (ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2021) establishes minimum performance requirements for first aid kits and their supplies. First aid kits are classified based on the assortment and quantity of first aid supplies intended to deal with most types of injuries and sudden illnesses that may be encountered in the workplace. These may include major and minor wounds; minor burns; sprains and strains; and eye injuries. As each work environment is unique, it is expected that the contents of each kit will be supplemented as needed to address the unique hazards of the work environment.

3.0 Responsibility:

SUU uses a third party to supply first aid kits in an effort to meet the needs of each individual department. Department first aid kits will be inspected by the Office of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) (see 3.2 for responsibilities) to identify discrepancies or deficiencies and provide the third party supplier with any necessary information. The third party will then send an itemized bill to the Office of ERM as required. Departments will receive both an invoice and an itemized bill from the Office of ERM. It is the responsibility of the designated purchasing authority of the department to inspect the invoice and identify any and all discrepancies between the invoice and itemized list. The department will have 10 business days from the date they received the invoice to identify and correct any discrepancies and resubmit the corrected invoice to the Office of ERM. After the 10 business days, the Office of Enterprise Risk Management will automatically process an inter-departmental transfer of funds using the department’s provided billing INDEX.

3.1 Department Responsibilities

University departments will be responsible for ensuring the kits are accessible, properly stored, and secured in a location that is easily accessible in case of emergency. Departments are responsible for supplying funds for the maintenance and inventory levels of the first aid kits and providing the Office of ERM with a billing INDEX. For first aid locations and information please contact the Department Admin Assistant or the department’s designated individual. Departments are responsible for reporting any immediate needs/deficiencies with a first aid kit to the Office of Enterprise Risk Management.

3.2 The Office of Enterprise Risk Management Responsibilities

The Department of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is responsible for inspection of first aid kits and ensuring they meet the standards stipulated by the guidelines established in this document and those established by Federal and State agencies. To ensure the completeness and usable condition of all supplies, first aid kits will be inspected and maintained by SUU ERM semesterly in order to comply with standards set by ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2021. Some supplies may have expiration dates and those beyond that marked date should be replaced. SUU ERM will work with the third party vendor to schedule necessary replacements and updates.

3.3 SUU Police Department Responsibilities: Trauma kits

SUU Campus Police are responsible for the inspection, monitoring, and inventory of trauma kits (stop the bleed kits). These kits are designed to be used by anyone present at an emergency, much like an AED (automated external defibrillator). The kits are usually small, single-purpose bleeding control (B-CON) kits which contain items selected to enable untrained or minimally trained laypersons to stop or significantly slow loss of blood at the point of injury. For more information on trauma kits please contact SUU Campus Police at (435) 586-7793

4.0 Contents of first aid kits:

First aid kits are to meet or exceed standards set by ANSI/ISEA (ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2021). Two different types of first aid kits are to be supplied depending on the nature of the hazards located inside the department in question. Type A kits are the standard kit that will be provided to departments located on the main campus under normal operating conditions. Type B kits are to be supplied to departments that deal with more hazardous conditions, and are mostly to be provided to off campus sights. Review 4.1 for ANSI/ISEA Kit classifications. Below are the required contents for each type of First Aid Kit and their minimum quantities (Figure 1.0 below)

4.1 Classification of first aid kits

The newest ANSI/ISEA standard introduces two classes of first aid kits: Class A and Class B. Class A kits are designed to deal with the most common types of workplace injuries. Class B kits are designed with a broader range and quantity of supplies to deal with injuries in more complex or high-risk environments. The attached table is a listing of the minimum required components for both Class A and Class B kits. The assortment and quantity of supplies included in the kits were chosen based upon reviews of workplace incidents requiring first aid treatment, similar international standards and current injury treatment practices. The quantity and size specifications are the minimum necessary to comply with the 2021 standard.

5.0 Use of first aid kits:

The first aid kits are to be used for minor injuries and illnesses only. In the event of serious injury or illness, call 911 (using on campus emergency phones, personal devices, or any readily available device) and wait for emergency medical services.

6.0 Conclusion:

The First aid kit program at SUU is a valuable resource for the university community in case of emergencies or minor injuries. The program outlines the guidelines for the distribution and maintenance of first aid kits and ensures that a basic first aid kit is available for use.

ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2021 Classes of first aid kits and required contents (Figure 1.0)

First Aid Supply

Minimum Quantity

Minimum Size or Volume

Class A Kits

Class B Kits



Adhesive Bandage



1 x 3 inches (in)

2.5 x 7.5 centimeters (cm)

Adhesive Tape



2.5 yards (yds)

2.3 meters (m)

Antibiotic Application



1/57 ounce (oz)

0.5 gram (g)




1/57 oz

0.5 g

Breathing Barrier





Burn Dressing (gel soaked)



4 x 4 in

10 x 10 cm

Burn Treatment



1/32 oz

0.9 g

Cold Pack



4 x 5 in

10 x 12.5 cm

Eye Covering (with means of attachment)



2.9 square in

19 square cm

Eye/Skin Wash



1 fluid oz

29 milliliters (ml)


4 fluid oz

118.3 ml

Foil Blanket



52 x 84 in

132 x 213 cm

First Aid Guide





Hand Sanitizer



1/32 oz

0.9 g

Medical Exam Gloves

2 pair

4 pair



Roller Bandage 



2 in x 4 yds

5 cm x 3.66 m



4 in x 4 yds

10 cm x 3.66 m









4 x 24 in

10.2 x 61 cm

Sterile Pad



3 x 3 in

7.5 x 7.5 cm




1.5 in (width)

3.8 cm (width)

Trauma Pad



5 x 9 in

12.7 x 22.9 cm

Triangular Bandage



40 x 40 x 56 in

101 x 101 x 142 cm