Policy Needs Assessment (Step 1)
This is a resource to help you analyze whether there is a need for new policy, whether policy edits or a new policy. Sometimes, after considering these, you will find that the subject matter is already addressed in policy or elsewhere. Or there may be a better solution to address the need, such as creating a checklist that appends to an already existing policy. Please complete this to assist in the analysis and focus in determining what next steps are needed.
Policy Needs Assessment
- Which of the following prompted the need for the addition/edit to policy:
- New law or change in law
- New USHE policy or change in USHE policy
- Need for consistency across departments
- New benefit or other requirement not mandated by law or USHE policy
- Necessary for Risk Mitigation
- Clarification needed in existing policy
- Enhance consistency in language across policies
- Enhance consistency in language within policies
- Remove duplication
- Update to policy format/structure
- State the specific needs or problem that the policy/solution will address.
- What policies are related to the subject matter area(s) that might cover the same or similar topics? Are there any other existing University or departmental or office guidelines, webpages with relevant information, or the like?
- If proposing a new policy, are there other policies that could be edited to include the new information? Or is a new policy needed? Also, would the new proposal create a need for changes to other policies?
- Are there other forms, checklists, agreements, or websites that could provide information that would furnish a more suitable format? Generally, policies are needed when a group across campus needs to know requirements, consistency in requirements, and/or how to implement internal or external requirements.
- State the costs, both direct and indirect, associated with the proposed policy idea. Is there funding for the proposal? What office/budget will be responsible for any costs?
- Determine the University units that oversee or manage relevant subject matter areas. Consult those units for input on the need for new policy. For example, if there is a policy about human resource topics, such as leave or other employee benefits, consult the Human Resources Director.