Library Instruction and Orientation
The Gerald R. Sherratt Library offers a variety of library-related assistance and instruction. Library instruction has a high priority among the library's public service programs.
Library Instruction
Information literacy is the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning (ACRL Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education).
The Gerald R. Sherratt Library offers a variety of information literacy instruction:
- A suite of for-credit courses with the INFO prefix.
- Librarians provide instruction sessions for faculty in their face-to-face or online classes.
- Online library instruction is available via Canvas modules or prerecorded videos.
Library Information Literacy Courses
- INFO 1010 Information Literacy
- INFO 2010 Information Literacy in the Disciplines
- INFO 3000 Information and Society: Critical Thinking in the Post-truth World
- INFO 3050 Living an Informed Life through Information Literacy (speedway program course)
- INFO 4100 Archives: Principles and Practices
- INFO 4700 Special Topics in Library & Information Science
- INFO 4800 / 6800 Advanced Library Research: Literature Reviews for Capstone and Thesis
Library Instruction Sessions
Library instruction encourages critical thinking and engagement with information resources. SUU librarians provide instruction and instructional support for all programs and courses, in all modalities (face-to-face or online). Each department at SUU has an assigned librarian as their liaison: subject librarians. The Library Instruction Team also provides instruction to off campus groups (e.g. SUU sponsored organizations, AP classes, adult groups).
To request instruction and discuss instructional goals, faculty can schedule a library instruction session with their liaison librarian or any other available librarian by contacting the librarian directly, filling out the Library Instruction Request Form, or by calling the library administration office at (435) 856-8172. Each request will be honored on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Research shows that the most effective types of library instruction are tied to a class assignment, so that students can directly apply what they learn about library research. The Library Instruction Team can help instructors with the instructional design of research assignments.
To make sure our liaison librarians have enough time to prepare for a class and to provide our students with the most effective instruction session, we ask that instructors:
- Schedule library instruction sessions at least one week in advance, if possible.
- Work with the liaison librarian to determine session learning outcomes.
- Prepare students for the session.
- Plan to attend the instruction session where scheduling allows.
Library Orientations
The Library is excited to help students, faculty, staff, and members from the community learn about the Library and our resources and services. We offer:
- Personalized orientations to the library
- Library research guides
- Demonstrations of library databases
- Library research consultations
To request a library orientation or research consultation, please contact your liaison librarian or any other librarian by contacting them directly, or by calling the library administration office at (435) 856-8172. Each request will be honored on a first-come, first-serve basis.