SUBJECT: University Property
- Inventory Procedure Guide
- Southern Utah University Policy 5.20 Political Activity
- Southern Utah University Policy 5.24 Purchasing
- State of Utah Standard Useful Life Table
- Surplus Property Procedure Guide
- Utah Code § 76-8-402 Misusing public money or public property
- Utah System of Higher Education Policy R558 Surplus Property
- Utah System of Higher Education Policy R561 Accounting and Financial Controls
- Utah System of Higher Education Policy R572 Noncapital Asset Inventory and Tracking
- Acquisition Cost: The net invoice unit price and any costs related to making the property usable for the purpose for which it is acquired. Includes all costs associated with the purchase, transportation and installation of an item. Also includes attachments, modifications or accessories required to use the item as intended.
- Artwork: Art pieces acquired by the University through purchase or donation that meet the threshold set by Board of Higher Education Policy R561. The item must meet the threshold value individually (not as a collection) in order to be considered capital.
- Buildings: Physical structures housing persons or property of the University and that meet the criteria established by Board of Higher Education Policy R561. Building value includes permanently attached equipment items and Building Improvements.
- Building Improvements: Additions and/or improvements to Buildings that are permanently attached, add value to the Building and meet the criteria established by Board of Higher Education Policy R561. Repair and replacement items are not considered capital if they replace existing components to maintain the function or utility of the facility and do not change the useful life or utility of the facility. Improvements may include Building expansions, utilities, fire detection and sprinkling systems, and roof replacements.
- Capital Equipment: Items owned by the University with an Acquisition Cost greater than or equal to the value set by Board of Higher Education Policy R561, and with a life expectancy of one year or more. Equipment items have their own identity and are not attached permanently to any Building.
- Construction in Progress: Buildings, Land Improvements or Capital Equipment in the process of completion.
- Disposal: An external sale or other means that permanently removes an item from the custody of the University.
- Infrastructure: Items such as streets, tunnels, bridges, irrigation systems and utilities which meet the criteria established by Board of Higher Education Policy R561.
- Land: The real property or acreage owned by the University, exclusive of the cost of constructed assets on the property.
- Land Improvements: Constructed improvements to Land which meet the criteria established by Board of Higher Education Policy R561.
- Library Books: All books, educational materials and digital media purchased by the library for long term, campus wide use.
- Non-Capital Assets: Items owned by the University with a useful life greater than one year and meeting the criteria established by Board of Higher Education Policy R572.
- Personally Identifiable Information (PII): Any information that permits the identity of an individual to be directly or indirectly inferred, which if lost, compromised, or disclosed without authorization could result in substantial harm, embarrassment, inconvenience, or unfairness to an individual.
- PII does not include “public information” as defined by the Utah Government Records Access and Management Act, or in the case of student records, “directory information” as defined by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act.
- Public Property: Real or personal property that is owned, held, or managed by a public entity, including the University.
- Surplus Property: Property owned by the University (through purchase, forfeit, or donation) which is no longer needed for University operations.
- Acquisition
- Acquisition of all University property must be in accordance with SUU Policy 5.24.
- University property shall be considered capital based on the thresholds set in Board of Higher Education (BHE) Policy R561. For accounting and financial control purposes Accounting Services may establish inventory limits less than capitalization thresholds stated in BHE Policy R561.
- Inventory and Use
- All capital and Non-Capital Assets as defined in BHE Policies R561 and R572 shall receive an inventory tag and be verified annually. Computers and laptops that may contain PII shall also be verified annually in accordance with BHE Policy R572.
- Items that meet the inventory requirements at the time of acquisition remain on inventory records for the life of the asset no matter the current market or book value.
- University property shall not be removed from campus or used for personal use without proper approval. Unauthorized personal use of Public Property constitutes criminal conduct; see Utah Code Annotated 76-8-402 and related criminal statutes. The employee is responsible to reimburse the University for any costs associated with the unauthorized personal use of University property and may face criminal penalties as provided by law.
- The following limited circumstances constitute authorized personal use of Public Property by University employees, subject to the requirements and limitations for personal use of Public Property found in the Utah Code, Administrative Rules, or University policy:
- With the approval of the University President or their designee, University employees may exercise limited authorized personal use of Public Property under the following circumstances:
- The employee is authorized to use or possess the Public Property to fulfill their duties as a University employee; and
- The primary purpose of the employee using or possessing the Public Property is to fulfill their employment duties; and
- The employee uses or possesses the Public Property in a lawful manner and in accordance with the approval given by the President or the designee.
- Incidental use of Public Property for personal purposes by a University employee, provided that:
- The value provided to the University by the employee’s use or possession of the Public Property for employment purposes substantially outweighs the personal benefit received by the employee from the incidental use of personal purposes; and
- The incidental use of the Public Property for personal use by the employee is not otherwise prohibited by law or by University policy.
- University facilities are to be used for University business. Assigned offices or workspaces should be well maintained and kept in good order for conducting University business.
- Incidental personal use may include decorative items, regardless of ownership, displayed within an individual's assigned office or workspace.
- Such incidental personal use should be confined to the assigned office or workspace.
- The University will not take responsibility or insure any personal items displayed or used by employees within assigned office or workspaces. Employees are responsible to use reasonable means to safeguard all personal effects.
- Incidental personal use may include decorative items, regardless of ownership, displayed within an individual's assigned office or workspace.
- The University may reasonably limit personal use or decorative items when:
- Personal use exposes University property, employees, students or volunteers to any undue risk, liability, or burden;
- Personal use or decorative items disrupt or inhibit University activities;
- Personal use or decorative items create or involve a conflict of interest; or
- Personal use or decorative items are specifically prohibited by law.
- Employees, students or volunteers are prohibited from using University property in a manner outside of authority by the University or through University policy.
- Space outside of or outward facing from an employee’s assigned office or workspace is considered University space and is not available for personal use or decorative items without appropriate authorization.
- With the approval of the University President or their designee, University employees may exercise limited authorized personal use of Public Property under the following circumstances:
- Disposal
- All property owned by the University shall be disposed of in compliance with applicable guidelines, policies and procedures regardless of the funding source or circumstance within which it was acquired. All property Disposal must be under the direction of or with approval from the Surplus department, as specified in the Surplus Property Procedure Guide.
- University departments are given preference for all surplus items. In cases of external sales, local schools and governments are given preference. All other surplus items must be made available to the public, except as specified under Section IV.C.5. below.
- The University shall receive a fair price for all items disposed of through an external sale. Fair price is determined by market value of like items, condition of the item, and length of time the property has been for sale.
- External disposition of property shall comply with applicable restrictions from any donor, the federal government, or any other entity from which the property was originally acquired.
- Direct sale of personal electronic devices is allowed to a user who:
- Is provided the device as part of the user’s employment; and
- Subsequently makes a change in employment status including departure or retirement; and
- Is willing to pay a fair price identified by the University.
- Discretion in Application
- The University retains discretion to interpret and apply this Policy in a manner that is not clearly unreasonable, even if the University's interpretation or application differs from the interpretation of the affected individual.
- Nothing in this Policy is to be understood or construed to create contractual or legally binding obligations outside or beyond the responsibilities and obligations set forth in federal and state law, rules, and regulations, as well as the policies of the Utah System of Higher Education.
The responsible office for this Policy is the Vice President for Finance. For questions about surplus property, contact Accounting Services or University Surplus.
Date Approved: June 15, 2001
Amended: March 25, 2020; July 1, 2024 (temporary authorization); December 13, 2024