SUU Seal (for official use only)

POLICY #8.5.2 
SUBJECT: Employee Compensation


The purpose of this Policy is to outline a comprehensive Compensation structure for all employees and identify the various salary and wage adjustments available to employees under regular University appointment. This Policy is in conjunction with the Faculty and Staff Compensation Procedures.

Updates to the Procedures will be vetted and recommended by the Compensation Council, housed under Human Resources, composed of representatives from the Faculty and Staff.


  1. Southern Utah University Policy 6.1 Faculty Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure
  2. Southern Utah University Policy 8.2 Benefits


  1. Benefits
    1. Traditional Benefits: Paid University Benefits including medical, dental, and retirement.
    2. Voluntary Benefits: Unpaid University Benefits such as: parking pass, athletic and event tickets, additional insurance options such as Aflac and vision, tuition assistance, and discounts.
  2. Compensation: An employee's base salary and additional pay.
  3. Division: Group of department areas that reside under the supervision of a Vice President.
  4. Shared Governance: As defined in SUU Policy 6.1.
  5. Total Rewards Model: The combination of Compensation, Benefits, and rewards that employees receive from the University. This can include wages and bonuses as well as recognition, workplace flexibility, and career opportunities.


  1. Southern Utah University's compensation philosophy is created with the understanding that its student-centered mission is only possible with dynamic and dedicated faculty, staff, and administrators. SUU fosters a culture of caring with employees who value professional performance and engage as community members. The University embraces a Total Rewards Model that includes salaries, Benefits, and a vibrant campus community.
  2. SUU uses the following guiding principles:
    1. Utilize funds from state appropriations, tuition, auxiliaries, gifts, and grants intentionally to attract, develop, and retain employees.
    2. Utilize job description matching, including scope, responsibilities, requirements, and qualifications, to benchmark appropriately, ensuring integrity and internal equity.
    3. Ensure data-driven salaries and ranges informed through appropriate labor market trends and analysis to fairly compensate employees for the tasks assigned to their position.
    4. Maintain a competitive benefit package, including Traditional Benefits and Voluntary Benefits, that responds to a changing and diverse workforce.
    5. With Division approval, support selected, mission-aligned growth opportunities that encourage employees to share their talents, expand their potential, and continue to develop professionally.
    6. In line with SUU's motto of "Learning Lives Forever," internal progression both academically and professionally are supported to foster growth within positions at the University and outside of the organization.
  3. SUU's compensation philosophy will be regularly reviewed and evaluated through a Shared Governance process.



The responsible office for this Policy is the Vice President for Finance. For questions about this Policy, contact the Office of Human Resources.


Date Approved: November 2, 1990

Amended: September 23, 2005; June 9, 2023