
Compensation FAQ

Job Descriptions

Maintaining an accurate job description ensures employees are fairly compensated and better balances organizational structure.

Total Compensation Calculator

View Southern Utah University's total compensation package scenarios.

Pay Ranges and Procedures

SUU utilizes a grade system for staff by doing a best match of survey median pay to the median of the grade and accounting for internal organization. Grade ranges are attached below. Grade ranges are adjusted proportionally each year depending on COLA adjustments.

Faculty function on a direct CUPA median match with 15% above and below to create the range.


Our compensation surveys pull data from a varied pool of institutions similar to our own. We benchmark using this data to create a more equitable compensation structure and to stay competitive with the market.

Contact Us

Compensation Assistant:
Compensation Manager:

Main Office: 435-865-8572
Compensation Manager: 435-865-8570