Purchasing Card
Initiated on campus in 1998, the Southern Utah University Purchasing Card is a campus-owned credit card issued to an employee to assist in their daily purchasing activities. The Purchasing Card allows SUU employees to buy goods and materials without the use of a Purchase Order or Requisition to expedite procurement. The Purchasing Card is a Visa credit card provided by U.S. Bank.
Purchasing Cards are used to purchase goods or services required to support the normal daily activity of your department or organization. Use of a Purchasing Card is subject to the University’s Purchasing Policy #5.24 and the Purchasing Card Guide.
P-Card Approval Queue, Application, Adjustment, and Status Change:
Also found in mySUU portal, under apps.
Auditing and Reconciliation:It is the responsibility of the Cardholder to reconcile and file each monthly bank statement to ensure that all charges are accurate. After reconciling, the Cardholder must submit all documentation, including the statement, receipts, and supporting documents as a complete Statement Packet in accordance with SUU Internal Audit filing procedures.
The Audit Facilitator or the Cardholder is responsible for obtaining the approval signature of the Cardholder’s Supervisor. The Supervisor will review the Cardholder’s Statement Packet, sign as approved, and return to the Audit Facilitator for filing.
Any questions regarding Purchasing Card Audits should be emailed to suuaudit@suu.edu
Supporting Documents and Additional Information:
In compliance with Utah State Code, all purchasing card statements and receipts should be filed for seven years (Physical or Electronic).
As of July 1, 2011, hotels in Utah no longer acknowledge the University's tax-exempt status. This means that the traveler will be charged sales tax when paying for a hotel room. ADDITIONALLY, P-card holders will not be penalized for having sales tax included on hotel transactions.