Science Fair Sponsorship Opportunities

1. Special Awards

Sponsor and judge a Special Award in a category or categories of your choice. Prizes are up to the sponsor, but should be science-related (i.e., computers, scholarships, calculators, journal subscriptions, laboratory tours). The Special Award sponsor may specify the criteria of the award (as an example: any projects which include software code written by the student), judge the projects which qualify, and award the prize at the Awards Ceremony in the afternoon on fair day.

2. In-Kind Donations

Provide in-kind donations. This can include items for student gift bags such as gift certificates, coupons, and free giveaways (pens, pins, lanyards, or the like). Door prizes for students or their teachers are welcome, as are items for the Awards Ceremony. In-kind donations to help offset the SUSSEF’s operating expenses, such as printing costs, advertising, and office supplies, are also needed.

3. Monetary Donations*

Provide a monetary donation. Help send 3 Senior Fair projects to the International Science and Engineering Fair in May, and cover operational expenses such as publicity, medals, and outreach to the rural schools in our region. 

To donate to the fair, contact Fair Director Dylan Kirklin at