Web Pattern Library


Web Services provides support for calendars which can be used to communicate events, deadlines, or other dates of interest. Users can easily maintain their own calendar using a Google Calendar. As the Google Calendar is updated, events are automatically made available for viewing to the public.

Calendars include the date, time, location, and description of an event. Calendar descriptions support limited markdown, which allows users to format their text with bolding or italics as well as including images.

Calendars can be built using several options:

  • With or without Search
    • A search field will allow users to filter events based on the text of an event's title, location, and description.
  • Weekly or Count-based results
    • Weekly - Results are displayed on a weekly basis. If there are no events for a given week, nothing is displayed. Users can browse to future or past times to explore events. There is no limit to the number of events that could be displayed at a time.
    • Count - Only a number of specified events will be displayed. This is a good option if a limited height is desired.
  • Full or Compact display
    • Full display - This will include the department's icon graphic, calendar name, and description preview on the event box.
    • Compact display - The icon, calendar name, and description are removed. Best for simple calendars and to avoid redundant information.

Full Campus Calendar