Campus Resources for Graduate Students at SUU

Posted: February 19, 2021 | Author: Grace Thorkelson | Read Time: 4 minutes

Resources for graduate students at SUUWhile graduate students may differ in some ways from undergraduates, there are a handful of reasons that they still need similar resources in order to help them be successful throughout the course of their master’s program. From the librarians on campus to the Writing Center, and even the recreational facilities--Southern Utah University students who utilize the resources and opportunities for growth available to them will enhance their collegiate experience.

Academic Resources for Graduate Students

Graduate Writing Center

The SUU Graduate Writing Center was established in June 2019 to provide writing services specially designed for graduate students at SUU. The Graduate Writing Center offers the opportunity to discuss your writing projects with trained consultants and receive constructive feedback to enhance your skills, knowledge, and overall confidence with writing, research, and academic or professional genres. Graduates of all skill and confidence levels and at every stage of the writing process are welcome because every writer needs a reader.

According to Inside Higher Ed, “Graduate students, especially in their upper years, have a tendency to dismiss the writing center as a resource reserved for undergraduates. While you may not need to take all of your papers there, the writing center is a particularly good place to take your conference abstracts and statements of purpose. The writing specialists are good at identifying jargon and offering suggestions to make your writing more pithy and concise.”

If you feel overwhelmed by one or more aspects of the writing process, use the Graduate Writing Center to help you succeed in your various assignments and courses.

Speech and Presentation Center

The Speech and Presentation Center at SUU provides students with the opportunity to do mock interviews for potential jobs or graduate schools, help students develop their general public speaking skills, and so much more.

“Writing and presenting speeches is something that I really enjoy, and through the assistance of the speech and presentation center, I have really been able to hone my skills,” said Kolton Pierson, Master of Professional Communication program student. “This allowed me to eventually receive my speech writing certificate.”


SUU Gerald R. Sherratt Library

Graduate students are required to research, work on individual and group projects, contribute to writing pieces, and much more. The common denominator with each of these is likely the library or the librarian. Knowing how to find the information you need and utilizing all of the wonderful resources the library has is one way to make the most of learning in your master’s program.

“The library has been a valuable resource for me since my first day of college,” said Pierson. “I have used every area of that building to study and to pass all of my classes. The librarians have also been super helpful in guiding me to books, articles, and research practices that have helped me in several aspects of my life and college.”


Wellness Resources for Graduate Students

Veterans Resource and Support Center

SUU’s Veterans Resource and Support Center helps to retain and graduate military-connected students. They provide programs and services designed to recruit, retain, and support military-connected students as they pursue their education goals and meaningful lives. If you are a graduate student and have a military-connection, don’t let the opportunity to get in touch with the Veterans Resource Center pass you by.

P.E. Building

Graduate school can be mentally, physically, and emotionally draining. Not to mention the fact that many students work part or full-time while attending school. On many occasions exercise is one of the first things to go when time restraints and other stressors come into play.

“Exercise and self-care skills are key to living a healthy and balanced life,” said Riley Reynolds, SUU Health and Wellness Center coordinator. “Here are some tips to motivate and maintain a healthy lifestyle especially in times of high stress.”

Utilizing the P.E. Building on the campus of SUU may help you to stay on top of your physical and mental health. A variety of exercise options are available ranging from pickleball courts, a lap-swimming pool, a gym, basketball and volleyball courts, a running/walking track, and more.

Graduate school can be difficult, but students who use the resources that are available to them typically find the success they are yearning for. The SUU Graduate Admissions Office is ready and available to answer any questions that you may have about the above listed resources, as well as a variety of others that the university offers.

Produced by SUU Graduate Studies
SUU's Graduate School draws from a prestigious heritage and allows students to pursue a quality education. The master's degree programs offer students the chance to further their professional and educational careers on campus or online.

This article was published more than 3 years ago and might contain outdated information or broken links. As a result, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tags: Campus Resources Graduate Programs

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