CAPS Internship Admissions, Support, & Initial Placement Data

Internship Program Admissions

Date Program Tables were updated: 07/19/2024
Briefly describe in narrative form important information to assist potential applicants in assessing their likely fit with your program. This description must be consistent with the program's policies on intern selection and practicum and academic preparation requirements:
A number of sources of information are used to assess candidates for the internship, including the written application, letters of recommendation, and a cover letter.  We require that prospective candidates turn in the AAPI through APPIC. Zoom interviews are also a part of the application process, and are scheduled by invitation. Often, 50% of applicants (or more) are invited to participate in the interview process. Selections are made without discrimination based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, age, ability, sexual/affectional orientation, or veteran status. Prior to beginning employment for the internship year, the interns who match with SUU CAPS internship must successfully complete a criminal background check, in accordance with Southern Utah University policy.
Does the program require that applicants have received a minimum number of hours of the following at time of application? If Yes, indicate how many:
Total Direct Contact Intervention Hours   Yes 250 Hours
Total Direct Contact Assessment Hours No    
Describe any other required minimum criteria used to screen applicants:
Applicants for the internship should be doctoral candidates from APA-Accredited Clinical Psychology or Counseling Psychology graduate programs. Each applicant should have completed all pre-internship requirements of their academic program before the internship starting date. Generally, it is expected that an intern will have completed all required courses for the doctorate (at least 3 years of graduate study), will have passed the doctoral candidacy qualifying exam, with 250 minimum face-to-face clinical intervention hours. Applicants will need to have had their proposal defended by ranking deadline, and have passed comprehensive exams by ranking deadline.

Financial and Other Benefit Support for Upcoming Training Year (2025-2026)
Annual Stipend/Salary for Full-time Interns $42,790
Annual Stipend/Salary for Half-time Interns N/A
Program provides access to medical insurance for intern? Yes  
If access to medical insurance is provided:    
Trainee contribution to cost required?   No
Coverage of family member(s) available? Yes  
Coverage of legally married partner available? Yes  
Coverage of domestic partner available?   No
Hours of Annual Paid Personal Time Off (PTO and/or Vacation)     120
Hours of Annual Paid Sick Leave      96
In the event of medical conditions and/or family needs that require extended leave, does the program allow reasonable unpaid leave to interns/residents in excess of personal time off and sick leave?


Other Benefits: Interns also have 96 hours or 12 days of holiday leave throughout the year. They also receive a retirement plan with SUU contributing 14.2%.  Professional development funds are also available.      
Initial Post-Internship Positions
(Provide an Aggregated Tally for the Preceding 3 Cohorts)
Total # of interns who were in the 3 cohorts 9
Total # of interns who did not seek employment because they returned to their doctoral program/are completing doctoral degree 0
Community mental health center    
Federally qualified health center    1
Independent primary care facility/clinic    
University counseling center 1 3
Veterans Affairs medical center    
Military health center    
Academic health center    
Other medical center or hospital  1  
Psychiatric hospital    
Academic university/department    
Community college or other teaching setting    
Independent research institution    
Correctional facility    
School district/system    
Independent practice setting 3
Not currently employed    
Changed to another field    
Note: "PD" = Post-doctoral residency position; "EP" = Employed Position. Each individual represented in this table should be counted only one time. For former trainees working in more than one setting, select the setting that represents their primary position.