Sample Didactic Schedule

Interns participate in at least 2 hours per week of didactic trainings, as required by APPIC. See APPIC listing for more details.


During the first ~3 weeks of internship, interns are oriented to Counseling & Psychological Services and SUU through a series of trainings, supervision, and activities. By participating in Orientation, interns have opportunities to become acquainted with each other, as well as the staff, and to become acclimated to CAPS prior to beginning their clinical work.


80 min every other week all year

Following Orientation, internship incorporates a variety of training opportunities, which interns are expected to attend. Intern Seminar is designed to expose interns to a variety of topics related to college counseling and generalist mental healthcare. Diversity Seminar is attended by both Interns and Practicum Students during Fall/Spring and by all Clinical Staff during Summer and provides education on the intersectional mental healthcare needs our community. Interns present on a diversity-related topic once during Summer.

Case Conference

50 minutes every other week all year

Case Conference is held on a weekly basis and provides Clinical Staff (including Interns) the opportunity to present and consult on a clinical case. During case conference presentations, presenters gain feedback and insight in areas including case conceptualization, interventions, cultural considerations, resources and referrals, and ethical concerns.

Professional Development Meeting

50 minutes every other week Fall/Spring

During Fall and Spring Semesters, Clinical Staff take turns presenting for Professional Development Meeting on topics which they have expertise or interest in. Interns present once during Fall Semester and once during Spring Semester. It is common for interns to present on their dissertation for one of these two presentations.

Local or National Conferences

Interns typically have opportunities to attend local conferences (e.g., the Utah University and College Counseling Centers Conference) for professional development and networking. A small conference fund is available for interns to defray some of the cost. Interns may also choose to use this conference fund to support their attendance at a national conference of their choice.