Students chatting on the quad

Concurrent Enrollment

Jump ahead - High School and College at the same time.

Available in Iron, Beaver, and Garfield counties, as well as High Schools across the state - both in-person and online. Get a head start on earning your GE and CTE credits!

Cost Savings

Only $5 USD per credit


Head start on College Credit

Test Drive

See if College is right for you

Explore Interests

Courses designed to trigger curiosity and develop strengths

Ready to Get Started?

Three easy steps to kick-start your education:

Requirements to Participate

  • 3.0 or above High School GPA
  • Parent/Guardian permission
  • High School Recommendation

Request CE Information

Mission Statement

The SUU Concurrent Enrollment program partners with high schools to provide dual-enrollment courses in our service region and throughout the state, empowering high school students to gain knowledge, develop skills, prepare for the future, and earn meaningful college credit.