SUU Seal (for official use only)

POLICY #6.64
SUBJECT: Graduate Studies: Student Appeals


The purpose of this Policy is to provide general policy guidelines for graduate studies.


  1. Southern Utah University Policy 5.52 Intellectual Property
  2. Southern Utah University Policy 5.54 Copyright Policy
  3. Southern Utah University Policy 6.19 Grade Appeal
  4. Southern Utah University Policy 6.20 Institutional Review Board for Research on Human Participants
  5. Southern Utah University Policy 6.26 Credit Hour Loads
  6. Southern Utah University Policy 6.43 Care and Use of Vertebrate Animals in Research and Instruction
  7. Southern Utah University Policy 11.4 Student Complaints


  1. Dean: All references in this Policy solely to “Dean” are to signify the Dean of the respective College/School, as opposed to the Dean of Graduate Studies.


  1. Academic Appeals/Exceptions to Policies and Procedures

    Students have the right to appeal decisions that affect them academically according to established University policies and procedures.
    1. Dismissal from program: A graduate student may request a reconsideration for a dismissal from a graduate program. Appeals are submitted to the office of the Dean of Graduate Studies via email. In some cases, the Dean of Graduate Studies may meet in person with a student to collect more information.

      Appeals are considered only in writing through email. The student’s email appeal letter must include:
      1. A clear and brief explanation as to why the student believes the dismissal should be reversed.
      2. A clear and brief explanation as to why the student believes he or she did not perform adequately in the program.
      3. A clear and brief plan for immediate performance improvement of the student to prospectively continue through the remainder of the program if the dismissal is reversed.

        Upon receipt of an appeal, the Dean of Graduate Studies will request explanation and documentation from the respective graduate program director. If the Dean of Graduate Studies finds merit with the appeal, an ad hoc appeals committee will be summoned. If no merit is determined, the Dean of Graduate Studies will communicate this decision by email to the student.

        In case of a committee, the following members will be included:
        • Dean of Graduate Studies: 1 vote
        • Three (3) graduate program directors, none of which are associated with the program from which the graduate student was dismissed: 1 vote each
        • Graduate Studies SUUSA student senator: 1 vote
After receiving a copy of the appeal, the committee will meet once, discuss the appeal, then make an immediate decision by voting, which will be communicated by email from the Dean of Graduate Studies to the student and respective program director and Dean.
    1. Grade appeal: See Policy 6.19.
    2. Appeal/complaint for other reasons: All other appeals/complaints are considered at the office of the respective College/School Dean, and in some cases the Provost, unless pursuant to Policy 11.4.




The responsible office for this Policy is the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs. For questions about this policy, contact the Chair of the Graduate Council.


Date Approved: January 30, 2015

Amended: N/A