MFA group posing in front of the National Endowment for the Arts sign

MFA-Track Curriculum

Outline of when courses are offered for the Master of Fine Arts Arts Administration Program. 

Fall - Even Years

  • AA6010-01 Principles of Arts Administration [1st Year]
  • AA6040-01 Art Advocacy & Cultural Policy
  • AA6220-01 Fundraising Event Planning
  • AA6850-01 Professional Development & Projects
  • Graduate Elective [2nd Year]

Fall - Odd Years

  • AA6010-01 Principles of Arts Administration [1st Year]
  • AA6800-01 Board Relations & Planning
  • AA6810-01 Marketing in the Arts I
  • AA6850-01 Professional Development & Projects
  • Graduate Elective [2nd Year]

Spring - Even Years

  • AA6060-01 Fund Development for Arts Administrators
  • AA6210-01 Grant Writing
  • AA6830-01 Marketing in the Arts II
  • AA6850-01 Professional Development & Projects

Spring - Odd Years

  • AA6070-01 Leadership Development in the Arts
  • AA6080-01 Visual & Performing Arts Studies
  • AA6110-01 Legal Issues in the Arts
  • AA6850-01 Professional Development & Projects


First Year

  • AA6050-01 Managing the Finances of Arts Organizations
  • AA6090-70i Accounting for Arts Administrators
  • AA6850-01 Professional Development & Projects
  • AA6890-01 Professional Arts Internship

Second Year

  • AA6900-01 Capstone: Master of Fine Arts
  • AA6980-01 Degree Defense

Catalog Listing of all Required Courses and Course Descriptions [Arts Administration – Master of Fine Arts]

Photo: SUUAA Washington DC Trip (2015)