Transcript Information


If you intend to have another individual pick up your transcript, please provide a Student Consent for Release of Information to that individual. You may use the form linked above, or your own letter. Please include the individual's full name and your signature.

The individual will be asked to provide picture ID at the time they pick up the records to confirm that they are the individual who has been approved to receive your records.

Official Transcripts

To request an official transcript:

  1. Log into the “mySUU Portal

    1. Login using your username and password

    2. This will be the same username and password that you use to log onto an on campus computer

  2. Click on "Order Transcripts" on the lower right corner.

All financial obligations and holds must be cleared and the appropriate fees received before a transcript request can be processed.

PLEASE NOTE: Printed official transcripts are individually sealed. If a transcript is sent to a student and the envelope is opened, the transcript is then considered unofficial.

Questions? Email or call 435-586-7715.

Unofficial Transcripts

Students may view and print an unofficial transcript by selecting Unofficial Transcript within the mySUU Portal. There is no charge for this record.

  • Log into the “mySUU Portal

  • Click on Student Menu
  • Click on Student Records
  • Click on Academic Transcript
  • Click Submit

Students may also receive an Unofficial Transcript by:

  • Log into the “mySUU Portal

    1. Login using your username and password

    2. This will be the same username and password that you use to log onto an on campus computer

  • Click on "Order Transcripts" on the lower right corner.

All financial obligations and holds must be cleared and the appropriate fees received before a transcript request can be processed.

Questions? Email or call 435-586-7715.

For records pre-1985

Students with records from before 1985 are unable to request a transcript through the online order system. To order records these students should send an email to including the following:

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Last four digits of your SSN
  • Note whether you need an official or an unofficial transcript
  • Recipient email or address
  • Dates of attendance
  • # of copies you wish to send

Questions? Email or call 435-586-7715.

Transcript Fees:

Official Transcripts:

Electronic - $11

Printed - $11

Unofficial Transcript:

Electronic - $2.25

Printed - $2.25

Delivery Options

USPS - $0

FedEx (Domestic) - $20

FedEx (International**) -$60

**Students will be responsible for any additional charges assessed to send a document internationally.