About Title IX
The Southern Utah University Office of Title IX Compliance exists to educate and prevent gender inequity, sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and sexual assault. If you feel your rights have been violated or you witness any of the aforementioned, please contact Tessa Douglas, Title IX Coordinator, at (435) 586-5419 or title9@suu.edu The Title IX Office is located in the University Campus Services Office 101.
Southern Utah University is committed to providing a safe and respectful environment for all members of and visitors to the University community. It is the responsibility of every member of the University community to foster an environment free of sexual misconduct. SUU prohibits any and all forms of sexual misconduct and will maintain this policy with a commitment to promptly and effectively:
1. Eliminate, prevent, and remedy the effects of sexual misconduct.
2. Foster a campus community where sexual misconduct is not tolerated.
3. Cultivate a climate where all individuals are informed, supported, and protected in reporting sexual misconduct.
4. Provide a fair and impartial evaluative and investigative process for all parties.
5. Identify the standards by which violations of this policy will be evaluated and disciplinary actions imposed.
6. Identify University resources and assist with interim measures for the aid and protection of those involved in the process.