Evacuation Protocols

NOTE: Evacuation is a procedure of relocating occupants, from an unsafe area, to an area of safety, as quickly and efficiently as possible. Evacuation from buildings should be through the nearest unobstructed exit-way, leading to the exterior of the building. If the regular route is blocked, use an alternate route. No one is exempt from leaving the building. In some situations, elevators may not be safe or operational during the evacuation. For those needing assistance in evacuating, locate the nearest evacuation chair.


SMS, email, web content and/or local alarm systems


Refer to Emergency Procedures posted in most rooms on campus.

  1. Follow instructor's direction.
  2. Follow evacuation routes and procedures.


Refer to Emergency Procedures posted in most rooms on campus.

  1. Accept emergency assignments.
  2. Teach students procedures.
  3. Visual search in the event of a bomb threat.
  4. See that doors and windows are locked.
  5. When evacuating, account for students, support staff, and visitors.
  6. Keep the group together, maintain order, and provide emotional support.
  7. Do not allow anyone to return to the building after evacuation.
  8. When necessary provide first aid.


  1. Provide for the safety and protection of faculty, staff, students and visitors during an emergency.
  2. Implement, direct, and coordinate emergency operation procedures.
  3. Coordinate with other emergency response agencies.
  4. When necessary determine to do one of the following:
    • Keep the university in session.
    • Close some areas of the university.
    • Close the university.
  5. Provide necessary training.

Parents/Guardians/Campus Visitors

Refer to Emergency Procedures posted in most rooms on campus.

  1. Monitor SMS, email, or web content for updated information.