CAPS Groups and Workshops

At CAPS we are striving to meet the mental health needs of our students so that they can achieve their educational, career and personal goals. Group is a very powerful and effective way to bring about meaningful change and to get support.

If you are interested in any of the groups or workshops listed below, please contact CAPS at 435-865-8621 for more details. If you are new to CAPS, you may be invited to fill out a request for services. If you are a current client at CAPS please talk to your individual therapist about joining. Participation in any of the groups may require meeting with group leaders for an orientation into the group and to discuss expectations.

Some groups will be conducted via Zoom while others will be conducted in person. For more information, please contact our front desk at (435) 865-8621.

For both legal and ethical reasons, SUU CAPS is only able to offer Zoom based groups for SUU students physically in the state of Utah.

Therapy Groups


Day: Monday  Time: 2:00PM-3:30PM


Weekly: 09/10/2024-12/03/2024

Day: Tuesday  Time: 11:30AM-1:00PM

This group tends to focus on relationships, emotional intimacy, boundaries, self-awareness and other components of interpersonal process. It provides an opportunity to practice new behaviors within a safe, confidential, and supportive environment where group members learn to interact in a more honest and genuine manner. Students dealing with a variety of personal concerns are appropriate for this group.

Weekly: 09/26/2024-11/21/2024

Day: Thursday  Time: 11:15AM-12:45PM

In SUU’s Dungeons and Therapy group, members will take on the persona of fictional characters and complete daring adventures across mysterious worlds as in role-playing games, such as Dungeons & DragonsPathfinder, and Quest. Dungeons and Therapy builds in additional elements for challenging group members to set goals and try on new ways of thinking, acting and being that will support and facilitate growth, wellbeing, and success in their lives.

In Dungeons & Therapy, you will work with a therapist to create a fantasy character that is personalized to you and your goals. This character might embody characteristics that are aspirational; qualities that you would like to further develop or which have been challenging for you. On the other hand, you may have goals to connect with yourself and the world more authenticity, embracing and leaning into your personal attributes, motives, identities, likes and dislikes. In this case, you might design a character with characteristics that allow you to embody key aspects of you that you would like to more fully embrace.  DnT story lines will incorporate elements custom designed to support each group member in engaging with their identified goals for group. Within sessions of Dungeons & Therapy, you will interact with other players not only to find treasures, solve puzzles, and converse with enigmatic individuals to foster interpersonal growth - but also to express meaningful parts of yourself. *No previous experience with Dungeons & Dragons or any other RPG is required.


Day: TBA   Time: 


Day: TBA  Time: 

The DBT Foundational Skills Workshops are a series of 6, 50-minute, sequentially organized, experiential-based discussions designed to augment participants’ skills and abilities in mindfulness and distress tolerance. Care has been taken to draw material from the evidence-based practice of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), but the workshops do not constitute comprehensive DBT. Participation is drop-in can attend any of the workshop sessions. This group will be in person. Locations are outlined in this schedule.

Weekly: 10/01/2024-11/05/2024

Day: Tuesday  Time: 12:00PM-1:30PM 

Our General Poetry Therapy group is a 6-week group with limited spaces available.

The goals of the SUU CAPS General Poetry Therapy Group are:

  • To share an opportunity to connect with others to work on mental wellness in a supportive and structured environment through the reading, discussion, writing and sharing of poetry and writing processes.
  • To recognize strengths and insights in a community of care that nurtures and promotes the sharing of experiences and the addition of new skills and new perspectives.
  • To engage folks who are working on mental health in discussion, insight through creative expression, and to respond to isolation by creating connections.

This therapy group is designed to support the development of personal and group insight through creativity and emotional experience. Poetry Therapy is not about critiquing one another’s writing, rather it is about sharing from our heads and hearts and connecting. Unlike a composition course, we will not be offering edits or suggestions on writing, this is time we can share an appreciation of one another’s work and process.

Weekly: 10/18/2024-11/22/2024

Day: Friday  Time: 1:00PM-2:30PM

Our Trauma Support Poetry Therapy group in a 6-week group with limited spaces available.

The goals of the SUU CAPS Trauma Support Poetry Therapy Group are:

  • To share an opportunity to learn and talk about trauma in a supportive and structured environment through the reading, discussion, writing and sharing of poetry and our writing processes;
  • To honour the path each participant walks in their journey with the awareness that what survivors of trauma know and do to live lives of courage, beauty and strength, while individual, may be shared in a group setting to create spaces of support, learning and healing;
  • To recognize strengths in a community of care that nurtures and promotes the sharing of experiences and wisdoms and the addition of new skills and new perspectives;
  • To engage folks who have experienced trauma in discussion, to support the sharing and development of resources, and to respond to isolation by creating connections.

This group is designed to support the development of personal and group insight through creativity and emotional experience. Poetry Therapy is not about critiquing one another’s writing, rather it is about sharing from our heads and hearts and connecting. Unlike a composition course, we will not be offering edits or suggestions on writing, this is time we can share an appreciation of one another’s work and process.


Weekly: 10/09/2024-11/06/2024

Day: Wednesday  Time: 2:00PM-3:30PM

Participants will have the opportunity to learn about their own experience with attachment styles, history of family dynamics, boundary setting, developing trust and vulnerability, and how to navigate the natural ebbs and flows of all types of relationships. The sessions will be semi-structured, providing both education and creating space for sharing of personal experiences if desired.