Relationships - Mental Health Toolkit

Pride Alliance

Domestic Violence Support | The National Domestic Violence Hotline-Domestic Violence Hotline with immediate resources and help.

How to fix a broken heart-TedTalk by Guy Winch on how to deal with and move on from heartbreak.

Break-Ups Don’t Have to Leave You Broken-TedTalk presented by Dr. Gary Lewandowki Jr. about how if your relationship doesn’t make you a better person, ending it will.

How being heartbroken was the best thing to ever happen to me-TedTalk by Emma Gibbs about growing through her heartbreak.

The 5 Love Languages®-Learn about what a love language is and take the quiz to find out yours.

 Abusive vs healthy relationships: What's the difference?-Learn about what typically is and isn’t classified as an abusive relationship and how to cope with them.

9 Tips for Having Difficult Conversations With Your Partner-Simple tools on how to have an effective conversation with your partner.